If you weren't one of the 25,000+ people who watched this show on the day it was broadcast or if you couldn't take notes fast enough and need to see it again, we rallied and pulled together a YouTube re-watch for you & your comrades... I was lucky enough to host business guru and #1 Amazon and New York Times Best-Selling author Ramit Sethi for a hard-hitting, no BS chasejarvis LIVE focused on... read more ›
6.2K reads
In case you missed our December 6th episode of Chase Jarvis LIVE, it was all about the portfolio. We had Allegra Wilde, visual strategist and co-founder of eyeist.com on the show, talking about common mis-steps and some of the best ways for your work to get noticed. She even gave us a quick portfolio review and a sneak peek at her upcoming service eyeist.com. You missed quite the show, indeed, but luckily the re-watch of... read more ›
1.7K reads
UPDATE: if you're reading this post now...The no BS Business Edition of #cjLIVE with #1 Amazon & New York Times best-seller Ramit Sethi is TODAY 11:00 Seattle Time, 2pm NYC, 19:00 London! Learn to negotiate fees and show value to your clients from one of the world's best... _______ No one has single-handedly given me better insight about the business side of art/photography than has Ramit Sethi. [Go ahead and read that again.] In a... read more ›
1.5K reads
I'm sitting in the green room right now about to take the stage with Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch down here in LA. By the time you're reading this, I've just announced a new tablet form of Photoshop called Photoshop Touch (coming to iOS!!). As I sit here running through the script for the show that's live in 5 minutes, I stumbled upon a thought that is both sweet and bizarre. It's this: The psd image... read more ›
499 reads
Hey there Mr./Ms. Creative. How are your social skills? Think you can get by on raw talent? Think your agent, rep, manager or business partner is going to take care of that fluffy customer-facing stuff so you can be a reclusive artist, camera-hider-behinder? Think again. Like it or not, the feeling you've been feeling all along is becoming more pronounced. Call it unfair, call it fake, call it whatever you want, but as the world... read more ›
765 reads
The following is a transcription excerpt from a conversation a while back on #cjLIVE between yours truly and my dear friend, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet where we discuss gear, professional career, creative vision and more. We've got it on video (link at end of this post), but I think the transcript is nice because you can skim the conversation in just a couple minutes. And there are some nuggets in there... read more ›
648 reads
Elizabeth Weinberg has talent and vision. PDN magazine called her one of 30 emerging photographers to watch in 2010, and they were spot-on. In this interview by Rachel Hulin, Elizabeth shares how she landed her agent, what it means, and why. Tell us about your representation; when did you join your current agency, and how did you choose to partner with them? I signed with Hello Artists in October of 2010. I was looking to... read more ›
1.6K reads
Whereas most photographers think any paying gig is a good gig, Jonathon Kambouris knows otherwise. Perhaps more than most, he's come to know that great personal work wins commercial campaigns that are right in his wheelhouse. As the saying goes, when you do what you really love, you never work a day in your life... First, here are seventeen facts about Mr. Kambouris. Below those, we get into the nitty gritty and get him dropping... read more ›
1.4K reads
For those that missed it, we were able to pull together a stripped down re-watch of the recent chasejarvis LIVE with #1 NYTimes best selling author Tim Ferriss. IMHO, this one's not to miss. Some topics covered: 1. How to break through artistic, creative, & business fears. 2. The 80/20 rule. 3. Who's your network? You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with... 4. Be different, not... read more ›
2.8K reads
Hey Friends, quick note to introduce a new addition to the blog, photographer, curator and uber-talented writer, Rachel Hulin. Rachel brings years of experience shooting and writing, as well as photo-editing for Rolling Stone, RADAR and others, not to mention a stint at at the International Center of Photography. In short, she knows her stuff--bigtime--and will be helping us deliver increasingly tasty goods here on the blog. Please give her a warm welcome into the... read more ›
5.1K reads