I'm taking it as an omen...Earlier in the week, I read a story online about some poor photographer soul who lost his entire photo library when his hard drive failed. Following that, I was chatting with a friend in the /Pro division at Apple Computer -- he was shaking his head about how few photographers (pro and otherwise) seem to "get" the principles of backing up and storing their image libraries.So with that in mind,... read more ›
2.1K reads
Select HP digital cameras can now make subjects look skinny. Seriously. Check out this link to the 'slimming feature' on the HP site.So let's contextualize this. In advertising photography image makers go to incredible (sometimes ridiculous) lengths to maximize how great a product or lifestyle should look. Put the zippiest finish on this image or that. Photoshop is the tool of choice here, noting it's ubiquity and massive success. Professionals use it all the time--nearly... read more ›
279 reads
Okay, the title of this post might be a slight overstatement, BUT of all the technology we've added to our office recently (and believe me, we're geeks...always up to something), this little device has really made life better: The ScanSnap by Fujitsu ($450). What is it? The ScanSnap is a high speed, compact scanner that converts hardcopy documents to PDF in a flash. It digitizes both sides of a document in a single pass, in... read more ›
256 reads