I'm often asked: where I get my inspiration from, how to stand out? AND why I'm sharing less BTS videos of my photo shoots? Well....glad you asked. Because in today's episode of #cjRAW, I answer those questions specifically....but wanted to do something a little bit different. A little stripped down. Straight talk. Heart to heart -- just you and me. In fact, in this episode, I reveal the dirtiest secret in photography. Truth is: the... read more ›
21.9K reads
Cinema / video camera innovation over the last few years has largely centered around moving the camera. From jibs, to sliders, to drones and gimbals -- all with the aim to give us tools to get unique and interesting shots. Flashback 10 years ago, when I was working on campaigns with REI, Nikon, etc .... I'd call up my friend Tabb who was a drone geek tinkering in his basement working to combine his two passions... read more ›
5.3K reads
I've always loved drones. Been flying them and using them in photo + film projects before the term "drone" was used to describe the thing... way back in fact when my friend Tabb Firschau built them from scratch just to fly his (and my) cameras around. Here's some shots, and here's a few others. Sort of sophomoric work on my part (5-10 years ago) relative to what's happening now, but cool nonetheless given the time... read more ›
23.2K reads
Canon FINALLY announces the long awaited Canon 5D Mark IV. And you're like WAIT! Don't you shoot Nikon? And to that, I retort, I shoot em all my friends, whatever is the best camera for any given job. Truth be told, I like Nikon for stills and Canon for video...which means that I've been waiting for this camera for a while...for an update to my video kit. Yes, it's true, for years I've been rocking... read more ›
17.5K reads
Every so often, I am reminded of the tectonic shifts in photography that seem to skip under the radar in our exploding world of photography and photographers. No harm, no foul -- but it snaps my head back into place when pointing these out from time to time. Mary Warner Marian's book 100 Ideas that Changed Photography does a damn nice job highlighting some of these shifts. It's her personal take on the most influential ideas... read more ›
8.9K reads
Hello all you film fanatics, foto geeks, and anything else that starts with an "F" ;) -- here's the episode you asked for --- a quick and dirty tour behind the scenes of our 30 Days of Genius set. If you’re an OG of cjLIVE, you know the show is beautifully shot with cranes, dollies, and a full crew in front of a LIVE in-studio audience. Taking the show on the road for 30 Days... read more ›
11.9K reads
Alright you camera freaks. The long-awaited Nikon D5 + Nikon D500 have finally been announced. Live from the CES show in Las Vegas yesterday Nikon paraded out their new babies for all the geeks and journalists. As a face for Nikon long before there was such a thing (I know - hard to remember that far back) and core to launching new cameras for them (like this and this, I long lived at the heart... read more ›
3.6K reads
Calling all maker geeks, photo geeks, and audiophiles - this one is for you. Yes yes, I regularly champion experience over stuff, but the reality is also true that we creators use tools to create. As such, in today's #cjRAW I shine a bright little light on 3 tech tools that caught my eye. One for the geeky geeks, one for the photo geeks, and a third for the audiofile / video geeks. Glowforge When... read more ›
1.7K reads
PROBLEM: I can't count how many times I've seen this classic scene: you've walked away from your gear bag, not paying close attention and someone goes to move it and OOPS ... the bag LOOKED closed, but it was actually still open and now sh*t is going everywhere. You've got $2,000 lenses bouncing on the concrete.. SOLUTION: Here's an very simple tip that will increase your on-location camera bag kung fu skills and make sure... read more ›
7K reads
Most people don't know this, but bad weather often means great (interesting) photos. So I almost never shy away from it. BUT I've heard LOTS of you whining rightly worrying about your camera gear when working outdoors in the yuck. Truth be told - I totally get it. The gear is spendy and unless you're an active pro photog or...rich...you want to be careful.. Sooooo, based on your asking, I thought I'd address this challenge... read more ›
1.4K reads