Timelapse shots have achieved ubiquity, yet it's still a technique I get asked about on the reg. I've touched on the timelapse How-To in past posts, but I'm touching base again with a new look at what has become must-have. I love using timelapse in my work. Alternating between real time, slo-mo and timelapse contributes to the temporal tug on the viewer, which keeps them present and guessing. Cloud movements and dipping suns... read more ›
725 reads
So you just dropped an entire month's pay on a super nice camera body. Ok. Take a breath. That was a big jump, and we want you making smart moves going forward. Yes, the lens is important. And yes, you can spend 10x what you just spent on a body on good glass. But before you go cashing in that 401k to buy one of each (dear god don't), soak in the knowledge below. We... read more ›
57.1K reads
Wow. Two new cameras on my blog in one week (here's the other one). I've never been a gear whore and don't like dedicating too much real estate here to it, but I do like me some of these compact cameras. So here we go - quick like. Nikon got the aesthetics right, that's for sure. If it does nothing else, the new Nikon Df is going to make you look like a legit photographer... read more ›
1.1K reads
The field of affordable mirrorless cameras is widening, even as the gulf in quality between said cameras and DSLRs narrows. I've gone so far as to call them DSLR-killers in the past. A little tongue in cheek there, but wrapped in a nice dose of optimism. On the whole these rigs are lighter, more compact and pack a decent punch. They're definitely the bomb for for street photographers and the kick the shit out of... read more ›
7.3K reads
While in Belize a couple months ago, I took the opportunity to field test a new iPhone case designed for action sports photography + video. (I'm a big fan of field testing new tech/gadgets; see my out-of-the-box successes with the DJI quadcopter---> here). Without getting in the weeds here, let's be honest. We're not aiming for the Oscars with this footage, but I'm not gonna lie... I quite frequently need a little breather... read more ›
1.4K reads
GoPro's Hero3+ dropped like a bomb today, splitting atoms and shattering computer screens with some of the most bad-ass footage yet seen. The new Hero3+ is GoPro's sexiest iteration to date, with some notable improvements over its predecessor. Lest you Hero2 or Hero3 owners think this money ill-spent, consider these upgraded features that you'll get with the Hero3+: _20% lighter + smaller (case) _30% more battery life _4x faster WiFi (built-in) _Auto Low... read more ›
443 reads
I'm not much known for just dipping my toe in the water. And this is no exception. "It's gotta be real money and real access" I said. "How about $50,000 cash, plus a trip to NYC to receive your mentorship and spend some quality time with you." "Um. DEAL." An that's how it went down on the phone with my friends at Shopify, the powerful e-commerce website solution that allows you to sell... read more ›
900 reads
What I remember from elementary school about Iceland is my teacher telling me, "Iceland is green and Greenland is ice." While I have not yet been to Greenland I can attest to the fact that Iceland in August is definitely green. Iceland - the well-known film and photo destination at the confluence of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - has been on my list of locations to visit for seemingly forever. Finally had the... read more ›
1.1K reads
Although I've mixed a whole lotta R/C helicopters into shoots, there are many more times in my profession when climbing into a real A-star is essential to get the shot. A recent assignment in the Caribbean presented another on of those lovely occasions...and while I've touched on shooting film + photos from a helicopter in some past posts, I've never gone deep on the how-to of shooting from a heli. And before you... read more ›
2.1K reads
Because there are few establishing shots that can compete with the one you get above 250 feet, I frequently take my shoots airborne. Whether it's yanking the doors off a Bell Ranger traditional style or the...ahem...new school way of sending an 8-bladed octo-copter to do the dirty work, if it's outdoors these days, aerial footage is, well, the new black. Neither option mentioned above is cheap, however. I've been paying thru the mega-schnoz... read more ›
2.6K reads