Hi friends. Kate here again. I've been reading your questions lately, I've noticed that many are about production. It's no doubt that shooting days can be stressful: you have a set of objectives that need to be accomplished, time is limited, the client is present, weather, travel, lodging and permits may be a factor, you're coordinating people and there are always little surprises that crop up. Plain and simple, there are just lots of moving parts... read more ›
7.6K reads
I learned to light after years of deconstructing the work of other photographers. And I know from your previous feedback that you guys are fond of these posts, so let’s dig into another one. How did I make this picture? Is it a lucky snapshot? Is it lit? If so, how? The camera Settings? The direction? Post production? Whatever details you think are needed to make this image. Looking forward to you trying to pick... read more ›
1.6K reads
[note: this is behind the scenes - the finished vid is below...] Ever since I was a kid I've envisioned shooting videos the old way...the "practical" way where the moves and gimmicks, the set changes and the moving walls happen in camera, in real time, and real space, as opposed to the numerous luxuries we have nowadays in post production. In short, the opportunity to live out that vision from when I was a kid... read more ›
1.1K reads
Want a better chance of getting hired? Read this: There are raging debates online all over the place about how to approach Art Directors and Creative Directors to show work. Email them, or don't. Do backflips for them, send them a carrier pigeon, only send a book, etc. Frankly, it's all over the damned map. As it turns out, some of those folks are my friends and they want to help us help them. And... read more ›
7.2K reads
WHO you are matters less now than ever before. Pedigrees no longer matter. You can go from nobody to famous, or rich, or happy, or successful without anyone else's permission. WHAT you are matters less now than ever before. Movie stars and wine experts, academics and ultimate wrestlers are all on the same playing field. WHERE you are matters less now than ever before. You can be sharing photos from your basement apartment in Brooklyn,... read more ›
783 reads
Howdy Y'all, Dartanyon again responding to an important gear question we get asked all the time. We spend a great deal of time out on location, and as Chase's last series of blog posts clearly shows that it's not all hotel rooms and poolside locations. Sometimes we’re at 12,000 feet above sea level snowshoeing to location, and carrying "extra" stuff is not practical. Over the last 4 years I have refined my traveling gear considerably,... read more ›
1.4K reads
It's Monday. Let's shake out the cobwebs from the weekend. Finish this sentence with your own words, from your own point of view about your own work: My pictures would be better if _______________. [feel free to substitute 'pictures' with 'art', 'writing', 'painting', whatever you like. BTW, my answer is first in the comments...]
621 reads
Kate stepping in here to give you a bit of info from the business side of photography & filmmaking, this time about taxes. Yes, it is that time of year again. If you're in the ol' USA and didn't already know it, the due date for 2010 US Federal taxes has been extended to April 18, 2011. That may be really great news to anyone scurrying around to finish up taxes at the last minute. ... read more ›
1K reads
In case you missed the last chasejarvisLIVE, we posted the above video excerpt of my interview segment with art director/creative mojo/REI brand manager Jason Sutherland. In this video interview, Jason shares wicked insight on how photographers get selected for jobs, where he and his art director/creative director peers look for new talent, how he judges your work, why, and a whole lot more. The above vid is only a portion of the full... read more ›
2.2K reads
You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, I'm trying to give advice. The history of the world is one of shared spaces, shared food, shared water, shared DNA, shared lives. The history of art is the same. It is a history of an evolution of ideas, of appropriation and application. Therefore, if you're looking for inspiration, look no further than 1. inside you; and then 2. to other art... read more ›
2K reads