The Back Story If you’ve ever wondered how pro photographers capture great photos with their phone, I have something for you. Since getting the iPhone X, I've been working on condensing my best-learned lessons in mobile photography into my first ever class on CreativeLive. What You'll Learn Using natural light to capture indoor and outdoor portraits Simple posing and light considerations for kids, adults,... read more ›
4.4K reads
A couple years ago, you may recall, during a month-long artist-in-residency at the Ace Hotel in NYC I took the opportunity to celebrate the snapshot -- quintessential street photography -- and I called the exhibit Dasein: Invitation to Hang. ['Dasein' is a German word used by philosophers to refer to raw human experience or the fundamental mode of "being there." I found that when applied to photography, the snapshot was the ultimate photographic expression of... read more ›
13.7K reads
Heyooo! TODAY I'm so so happy and excited to announce something that’s been a long time in the making... the launch of the nexst step CreativeLive’s learning platform. Our global desktop experience has always been the most engaging education experience online, and today I'm proud to share that we’re extending that learning ecosystem to an iPhone, iPad and Apple TV app. You've always been able to lear 24/7 365 at CL...and now you can learn... read more ›
2.7K reads
Turn back your mental clock to April of 2012, when Facebook acquired Instagram for the eye-popping price of $1 billion. It was a big story, with headlines all over not just the tech press but mainstream outlets like CNN, Newsweek and the nightly news-- who could have imagined a company with barely over a dozen employees commanding a 10-figure valuation?! Like most of you, I watched the story unfold like some kind of tech fairy... read more ›
36.2K reads
Seems like the more I listen, the more I hear people talking about the gear, the business of photography, the widgets. Let us not forget the simple love of photography. I understand why there’s so much rhetoric in our industry about the business of photography and the gear and the gadgets. There is the common stereotype that most creative people aren’t good business people. There is fear. Gear is easier to talk about than vision.... read more ›
7.9K reads
SHORT VERSION: Are you on SnapChat? If so add me @chasejarvis. We'll have a tighter relationship and I'll add value I promise. Are you NOT on SnapChat but curious? Read on... LONGER BUT STILL SHORT-ISH VERSION Are you on snapchat? If so, add me. If not, I truly truly believe in my heart of hearts this is something you should consider IF you love telling/consuming stories or want more access to me/my life and the... read more ›
12.8K reads
We're into the new year and everyone's talking about resolutions and goals... lose weight, quit drinking, teach yourself some new skills. Yet something like 1 in 3 folks give up before the end of the first month. What gives? I'm cutting to the punchline on this one: 'Change' by itself sounds so big and ominous. But it's not. At its core, change is just making the 'right' decision toward the outcome you want enough time... read more ›
9.4K reads
Calling all maker geeks, photo geeks, and audiophiles - this one is for you. Yes yes, I regularly champion experience over stuff, but the reality is also true that we creators use tools to create. As such, in today's #cjRAW I shine a bright little light on 3 tech tools that caught my eye. One for the geeky geeks, one for the photo geeks, and a third for the audiofile / video geeks. Glowforge When... read more ›
1.8K reads
While in Belize a couple months ago, I took the opportunity to field test a new iPhone case designed for action sports photography + video. (I'm a big fan of field testing new tech/gadgets; see my out-of-the-box successes with the DJI quadcopter---> here). Without getting in the weeds here, let's be honest. We're not aiming for the Oscars with this footage, but I'm not gonna lie... I quite frequently need a little breather... read more ›
1.4K reads
What I remember from elementary school about Iceland is my teacher telling me, "Iceland is green and Greenland is ice." While I have not yet been to Greenland I can attest to the fact that Iceland in August is definitely green. Iceland - the well-known film and photo destination at the confluence of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - has been on my list of locations to visit for seemingly forever. Finally had the... read more ›
1.2K reads