If the best camera is the one that's with us, the camera phone wins for me (iPhone in particular, but I'm excited for all models). But let's take a departure for a second, because just minutes ago Phil Schiller announced the new iPad mini. // 7.9 inch diagonal screen // A5 dual core chip // Facetime HD // 5MP iSight Camera // LTE wireless... read more ›
3K reads
In the process of drooling over my iPhone 5, I got the inside line on two new photo apps that I love and want to share... Lightt and Mirrorgram. First, is.... Lightt Lightt is perhaps THE breakout photo app that splits the difference between photos and video better than I've ever seen in mobile, while nailing the best of both worlds (ala some of my chasejarvisFRAMES videos but in created in your hand on the... read more ›
1.3K reads
Hey photo friends, Erik here with my quick 2 cents on a new product that has sparked some debate here in the CJ Studio. The Impossible Project has a Kickstarter campaign for their new "Impossible Instant Lab", which will "transform your digital iPhone images into real instant photographs that you can touch, caress and share with friends." Take a look at the Kickstarter video for all the details: I should love this thing. I... read more ›
417 reads
I've been lucky enough to travel to a lot of far-flung places and I've seen my share of amazing things. But this hour-long event captured in the video above was one of the most beautiful, humbling and amazing things I have ever seen in my entire life. I was so dumb struck that I could hardly put the camera in front of my face to capture it... Last month my crew and I... read more ›
6.8K reads
Art created for the sole intent of eliciting surprise and delight- often with anonymity - makes the world a more creative place. A story on NPR caught my eye yesterday - about a project that aims to help map these works on a global scale. I'm intrigued. I've explored the concept of social art on this blog and publicly many times. It's happening everywhere now. Creating an app... read more ›
1.8K reads
There is a raw, metaphysical power in snapshots that cannot be denied. Throughout my career I have been hired or commissioned to create very specific technical photos. There are lights and crews and mechanics involved - and while it's incredibly creative - it's also complicated. There is a purity and undeniable power in a snapshot. I recently came across these stunning snapshots (via Flavorwire), spanning 50... read more ›
2.7K reads
After some initial cheering and howling, no one said a word for the longest time. Silence and awe. Where there had been lively conversation just moments before - there was now only the sound of cameras clicking away and quiet sounds of appreciation. No one, including Mike Horn and the crew of the exploration vessel Pangaea, which has sailed close to 200,000 nautical miles in the last 4 years, had ever seen an... read more ›
826 reads
The iPhone application Foap says $10. Actually...$5 after they take their cut. Here's the rundown... Foap is a micro stock photography app made exclusively for iPhone photography. You upload your photos for review using their app, and then when/if they're approved they become available for purchase in their market for editorial or commercial use by third party companies. There's no end to the number of times a single photo can be sold (at the fixed... read more ›
11.8K reads
I’ve said it before, but it would be remiss not to mention it again: Back up your data. Sad reminder of this again when I saw a recent story on PetaPixel about a guy who is taking Apple to court over lost baby photos, saying the failure of a storage device caused him to lose priceless memories. Perminder Tung used an Apple Time Capsule... read more ›
3.2K reads
http://youtu.be/6JI0wUyH7q4 I love what GoPro is making possible. These are things I've been asking for from a lot of manufacturers for years. I'm excited someone is listening.
867 reads