Here is a list of 10 things I've learned the hard way that every photographer, designer, creative--hell, every creative person--should know. 1. Experts aren’t the answer. The blogs, the teachers, the mentors, the seminars aren’t the answer. They’re not there to tell you exactly what you need to know. If they’re good, then they are there to give you some ideas, some guidelines, or some rules to learn and subsequently break. This isn’t about the... read more ›
84.8K reads
For some, being manic is simply a part of being creative. Non-stop ideas, improvements, and all-nighters are conducive to success in the field. But there is a line to be drawn - one that when crossed, can quickly lead to burnout and a reverse in productivity altogether. One of my best conversations about this was with Mel Robbins in 2021. Mel is a keynote speaker, author and life coach who frequently speaks on the topics... read more ›
893 reads
Have you ever sold yourself short? I have, and it stings. It was early in high school when my coaches were quick to identify young Chase Jarvis as a high-performing athlete with potential to play sports at a high level. As a result of this label - and in an effort to maximize my potential - I was introduced to a sports psychologist who specialized in a cutting-edge practice called “visualization,” whereby athletes were taught... read more ›
988 reads
Brené now holds the record for the most cjLIVE appearances, this being her third time on the show. She is a vulnerability and empathy expert and has one of the most watched TED Talks of all time on the subject and is the author of four New York Times best selling books, one of which, Daring Greatly, is my playbook for staying creative and true to myself. Her new book, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest... read more ›
12.7K reads
A talented photographer I know recently shared with me a blow-by-blow account of how tough he was with a client who was over-noodling his vision for an advertising shoot. “In the middle of the shoot I told them where to put it,” he said, proudly. “I’m an artist and they hired me for my vision, so that’s what I was giving them. Period.” Period? He was bragging. I didn’t get it. Seemed like he’d been... read more ›
641 reads
Today on the show I have a dear friend and arguably the foremost living explorer on the planet: Mike Horn. I have had the incredible fortune of traveling to some really amazing places with Mike such as the South China Seas, around South Africa and the Amazon on the coast of Brazil. Some of my most inspiring and best moments of my life have been tagging along with Mike on his adventures. Mike is also... read more ›
577 reads
Ever felt STUCK with something in your life? Blocked, like you can't get past this mental state, this hurdle, this creative block, this bad habit, this... Wait a minute. Why am I even asking that question? Of course you've been stuck before. We've literally ALL been stuck before. And by extension we all know how much it sucks to be in this state of mind. AND - on the flipside - how amazing it is... read more ›
7.5K reads
Back in 2012, budding photographer Ben Von Wong stopped by my photo studio in Seattle to say hello. Fast forward to present day and he's making headlines working with some of the world's largest brands like Nike and IBM, create work that combines art & activism. His work has been featured numerous times on Buzzfeed, Gizmodo, Mashable and the Huffington Post to name a few. So when he stopped by the CreativeLive studios not too... read more ›
1K reads
Over the years, I've really fallen in love with the ability to share and connect with you through my social channels. Never before has it been easier and faster to create, share, and connect. In a digital age where it's possible to live in our own little bubble, it can often feel technology is better at isolating us than connecting. What I've found though, is the opposite. I can think of the countless names I've... read more ›
2.7K reads
Can you believe this show has been running for 10 YEARS! Today’s guest was one of my earliest guests, and long time friend, Jasmine Star. Jasmine is a photographer, business strategist and founder of Social Curator. If you're an OG listener, you'll hear some behind the scenes stories of some our collaborations, including the internet’s first ever LIVE wedding (where Jasmine taught CreativeLive’s first wedding photo class - attended by 150,000 students!) More important than... read more ›
1.4K reads