I was crushed when I heard about the Paris attacks. My heart and mind go out for everyone affected. Ugh. For those who've been following awhile, you may know that I lived and worked in Paris for a few years. It's a place I'm still deeply connected with ... close friends, regular vacations and visits, deep memories, and a place whose community we will always belong. When tragedies like these happen, there is the horror.... read more ›
2.9K reads
Hey friends - Time is flying. We're already at episode 10 of the new #cjRAW, and frankly speaking, I'm just getting warmed up. Boom. Onto this week's episode where I'm AGAIN answering YOUR questions, just like Episode 02..AAAAANNNNDD.... While selecting questions for this episode, I noticed more and more questions coming in were starting with "Hey Chase"... So that got me thinking ... what if you/everyone just tags their questions with #HeyChase it'll be easier... read more ›
1.1K reads
Photo geeks -- this one's for you. Yes the new #cjRAW series covers a lot of territory -- from how I taught myself French, why I've come together with a bunch of people to build CreativeLive, to why I meditate, to my morning routine and everything in between...but I'm also aiming to maintain the soul from which this series was originally born... and that's photography. #NeverForget LOL I've already dropped episodes featuring shooting in wet... read more ›
1.2K reads
PROBLEM: I can't count how many times I've seen this classic scene: you've walked away from your gear bag, not paying close attention and someone goes to move it and OOPS ... the bag LOOKED closed, but it was actually still open and now sh*t is going everywhere. You've got $2,000 lenses bouncing on the concrete.. SOLUTION: Here's an very simple tip that will increase your on-location camera bag kung fu skills and make sure... read more ›
7K reads
Hey all -- Another glorious episode of cjRAW is here! Can I just say that I'm having so much fun making all this content - and to be back on my game! Thank you for all your well wishes, support and sharing. Also thank you for the oodles of comments & photo submissions across my social channels for photo critique! Given your overwhelming response, I decided to not just review one, but SEVEN photos. And... read more ›
1.1K reads
Most people don't know this, but bad weather often means great (interesting) photos. So I almost never shy away from it. BUT I've heard LOTS of you whining rightly worrying about your camera gear when working outdoors in the yuck. Truth be told - I totally get it. The gear is spendy and unless you're an active pro photog or...rich...you want to be careful.. Sooooo, based on your asking, I thought I'd address this challenge... read more ›
1.4K reads
Hey ya'll ... thanks for all the great questions and comments about the NEW cjRAW series from way back in Episode #01 here on the blog and here the Tube. Thank you so much for sharing it with others as well. I'm grateful for your support. I felt the love --thank you-- and today I'm back trying to deliver some value, given that last episode was really just an announcement. SOoooo today I bring you answers to... read more ›
916 reads
Fellow creators, makers, do'ers and lovers of all things internet and beyond... WELCOME to the first day in a new chapter! I've been promising more content is in store, and today I'm on the delivering end of that promise... and happy to be kicking off my newest video series, chasejarvis RAW. Errrrrr. But wait a minute you say. I know, I know. RAW?! If you’ve been following me for awhile, you'll certainly be familiar with... read more ›
1.5K reads