For most creatives, the biggest challenge isn’t doing the work, it’s getting the work. Few of us are natural marketers or adroit at selling our vision, so many creatives live in a state of constant anxiety about where the next project (and paycheck) is going to come from. Because of that, it’s tempting to jump on any project that comes your way, especially if you’re -- as I was at the beginning of my career... read more ›
68.2K reads
A few years back you may recall I dove head-first into a project that explored my home city of Seattle. I interviewed, photographed, and filmed the movers, the shakers, and the changemakers to better understand the culture of my city's beating heart. 106 influencers in total, across almost every creative discipline -- music, food, theater, athletics, activism, education, you name it. I went on to publish a 250 page fine hardback fine art book, gallery... read more ›
1.7K reads
I've heard through your shout-outs + tweets + views + comments n such that most of you love what we're doing with music on #cjLIVE. Those of you who pay attention to the show might have noticed that we have been on a bit of a hot streak with new music over the past couple of years. Here's a few of my fav highlights from the very earliest moments of these now well-known musicians: _Macklemore... read more ›
965 reads
The goals of creative expression are to make statements, to generate awareness, initiate reflection, feeling or action. We want the art to do work. Such was the case with my Seattle 100 book & gallery exhibition. But, in truth, I had little understanding when I published the project how much or what kind of ‘work’... read more ›
717 reads
[The debate continues about whether or not iPads are good portfolios for photographers and filmmakers. But those considerations aside, one thing I KNOW is that the iPad is great for is displaying photo & video content in a gallery setting, or on a studio wall in a waiting area. So in pure coincidence with Apple's announcement today that the iPad2 is now available (early), Dartanyon has written up a post about how we made our... read more ›
1.2K reads
Everyone on the our team brings an expertise and excellence to the group that is unique. As an example, Scott's Photoshop chops are stellar, Kate is an uber-producer, Erik is the bees knees with digital cinema, and the list goes on... One of Dartanyon's strong suits is digital printing. He's been around digital output from the near beginning of color desktop printing.... read more ›
12.8K reads
-------- Note: NO, we didn’t have too much eggnog and accidentally re-publish a post from just before the holidays... We did, however, get a TON of reader requests from a lot of y'all who are using less and less Photoshop, and asked Scott if he could get similar results in Aperture or Lightroom. Short answer is YES. To that end, Scotty re-worked... read more ›
1.8K reads
--- Since each of my staff are experts in their own right, fielding a growing amount of questions from you fine folks--and it's nice to get a change in perspective--you'll be seeing more and more posts from these talented people in weeks and months to come. Today, Scott takes the reins and answers a popular question about making great black & white images, with a case study to show you how. Take it away Scotty...... read more ›
10K reads
Quick diversion from the normal banter here... What goes well with the holidays and photo books? Wine and chocolate. Wine and chocolate? Hopefully you're aware of my latest photo book project, Seattle 100: Portrait of City (hardback 10x10" 240 pages, 300 photographs - all my proceeds go to non-profit I've alluded to it in some posts before, but as a side show, we got together with a few friends and made some very tasty... read more ›
306 reads
Calling all NYC friends - It’s been a while since we got together in person, so let’s do it. We’re bringing the whole Chase Jarvis Crew to the fantastic ACE Hotel in NYC next week and we’d like to kick it with you, have a cocktail or a coca-cola and meet you in person. I think they’re even giving us a special party room so we can make a ruckus. ALL ARE WELCOME. I’ve been... read more ›
332 reads