Like yesterday's repost of Jasmine Star, I've had a giant volume of requests asking to repost THIS recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE with National Geographic photographer of Food and Culture AND Barnaby Dorfman,'s founder and CEO, to my YouTube channel. It's my pleasure to get it out there for those who missed it live. Penny DeLosSantos is a force of nature, having traveled the world over on assignments targeting food and culture. Hear... read more ›
856 reads
Hi friends. Lots of requests to re-post this episode of chasejarvisLIVE with Jasmine Star to my YouTube channel. So here 'tis. Those of you in the USA on the 3-day weekend celebrating Labor Day should find some time to take a peek. Reminder that her EPIC 5 day Wedding Photography course is downloadable for a bargain $149 over here at Also, chasejarvisLIVE featuring National Geographic photographer, culture and food maven, Penny DeLosSantos... read more ›
1.1K reads
Polaroid has still got it after all these years. As proof, and for some Friday fun, check out this 1970's retro how-to video/advert/documentary. Still cool and amazingly poignant. Polaroid - the original social network. Snap a picture, show your friends = Create. Share Sustain. Note the range, accessibility and the diversity. Pretty impressive. Reminder to check out the Impossible Project, plus one of my recent Polaroid snapshots after the jump.Continue reading
1.3K reads
Have you seen the recent viral ad from Levi's of a guy walking across America wearing Levi jeans? Pretty simple, but pretty cool. [Maybe the walking thing was inspired by this similar concept in Toronto?] Anyway, this video here shows us how they pulled it off using just one camera, a tripod, 14 days, a few thousand photos, a few thousand miles, a protractor, a string, and a bit of math. Sign me... read more ›
5.2K reads
Thought you'd get a kick out of this video that takes the latest Speedo advertising campaign from ideation to creation. I wish it went a whole bunch deeper (pun), but it's certainly enough to get my attention. Hope you dig. The underwater studio at Pinewood (0:42) is really dope. (I'm jealous...wish I'd have hired that pool for this work I did a while back...) Also--since the vid doesn't give any real love to... read more ›
1.9K reads
Guess who’s on deck for the next 2 series of creativeLIVE weekend workshops? Two stellar folks: David DuChemin - Vision Driven Photography David’s recent series of books (Within the Frame and Vision Mongers) have carved a niche in photographic education that--prior to now--rarely got discussed. That niche is VISION. The internet has given photographers so many tools to work with gear and specs and digits and all that crap, but there’s been a distinct absence... read more ›
1.3K reads
How to promote your work and get noticed as a photographer is one of the more popular questions I get asked on an almost daily basis. I'll certainly be chiming in on this topic over the next few weeks as we explore this topic more in depth, but in the mean time, I thought I'd curate a few other opinions and asking some of my industry friends to chime in... That should help round out... read more ›
1.3K reads
Happy 4th of July weekend to USA readers. And to everyone, here's an "off topic" post, unless of course you like photo, film, music, or pop culture, and then this is right on topic. Following a wave of requests, this is a re-broadcast of a recent popular chasejarvisLIVE where I played host to two amazing and culturally relevant figures: emcee RA Scion and writer, filmmaker, and critic Charles Mudede. This video is a... read more ›
351 reads
UPDATE: If you missed our Sarah McLachlan video shoot/performance there's a re-broadcast of the internet feed here on YouTube. Check it! -- First we kicked off chasejarvisLIVE, then creativeLIVE... so you figured out I really dig this LIVE thing. Well, today, I'm excited to share that I've also been working hard with a little coffee company down the street called Starbucks to help bring you StarbucksLIVE. To kick this off, I'm TODAY at 12 noon... read more ›
427 reads
This may well be the most important behind-the-scenes video we've made to date. Not because it's fancy or sexy, but because it covers arguably the most essential information on a set of topics that every photo and video person should understand: workflow, storage and backup of your precious images. This video covers all the ins and outs, the theory and the details of our complete photo and video workflow from capture to archive... read more ›
67.5K reads