A few days ago Moni Basu of CNN published a provocative piece comparing the photography of War to the photography of Fashion. Whether this is an absurd evocation, an intellectual exercise, or an astute reflection I'm not calling it. I can't. But the idea of taking an individual photographer who has shot both war and fashion and juxtaposing images from the two bodies of work, was curious and very disturbing. At one end, sure, there's... read more ›
1.3K reads
There is a school of thought that proposes the Earth is home to a smattering of "sacred sites" -- energy centers, places of mystery and wonder -- earth Chakras some call them. The Pyramids. Lake Titicaca. Mt. Fuji. You get it. I don't know if Paris is on that list, but it should be. There's a magic to that city, so much so that I lived there for a few years not all that long... read more ›
2.9K reads
It seems our exploratory swim in the waters of full-frame DSLRs is far from complete. With the ink from his recent reviews of the D600 and the mirrorless Panasonic GH3 still drying, I asked my homie Ben Pitt to put the Canon EOS 6D between his microscope plates and share his findings here. As you'd expect with a lower-priced semi-pro camera, the EOS 6D is a mixed-bag. It's light and boasts integrated GPS + Wi-Fi,... read more ›
3.2K reads
The big record companies are struggling. Indie labels are struggling. The photographers, illustrators, and graphic designers who create album covers are NOT struggling. The music industry is an entirely different beast than it was a decade ago, but apparently musicians still believe in communicating what their album, as a whole, is all about with stunning visuals. Music seems more disposable and forgettable than ever with apps... read more ›
3.3K reads
UPDATE: Argo wins for best picture! Love or hate the Academy, it's hard not to get a little swept up in the fever. And with the Oscars now behind us, it gives us a reason to ask "why did he/she/it win?" and disagree or agree with our co-workers at the water cooler for the next month. I was walking into the movies with Kate not too long ago and it occurred to me that of... read more ›
6.3K reads
Every now and again I find myself tooling around Google Earth, scrolling this way and that along coastlines, across deserts and over mountains. I figure it's a compulsion more compelling than procrastination. Or it could just be a fascination with perspective. Rust-colored mountain tops, their peaks slightly concave, give way to the orange and green of the foothills. A DayGlo green reef encircles... read more ›
435 reads
I'm a huge fan of Vivian Maier's work. When I heard that there was an exhibition of her work right in my backyard (over at PCNW) it made me want to share some insight. In this interview, Photo Center’s Rafael Soldi and Jeffrey Goldstein discuss the in’s and out’s of discovering, developing and managing this important collection. As a curator and an artist himself, Rafael is well-qualified to dive into this interview with fine art... read more ›
1.9K reads
Back in December I did a post on How to Surf the World's Biggest Wave about Garrett McNamara's amazing feat in Nazare, Portugal. In May 2012 McNamara surfed a 78-foot monster into the record books and the video went viral. Some people might have kicked back and pursued some couch surfing after that type of achievement. But not McNamara. Just 2 days ago he did it again. And this wave was almost 3 stories bigger... read more ›
666 reads
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N27MnyRXGqY&feature=youtu.be If you're a regular reader you know that I'm a big Lumineers fan. They’ve been on my radar for a while and are one of my favorites right now. My friend John Richards from Seattle's KEXP first brought The Lumineers to my attention. John, along with their manager Dave, gave me the head's up that these guys had the special sauce. So we had them on chasejarvisLIVE back in April 2012. It was a... read more ›
431 reads
I originally met Kelly Starrett through my pal Tim Ferriss (cjLIVE episode here) - who had nothing but amazing things to say... Kelly is a coach, physical therapist, author, speaker, and creator of www.MobilityWOD.com, which has revolutionized how athletes think about human movement and athletic performance (and he's teaching a workshop with our friends over at creativeLIVE today btw.....) In fact, I remember that Tim told me he thought that Kelly could really "help me".... read more ›
1.5K reads