As creators and entrepreneurs, getting our ideas out in the world is critical. And today, I have my long time friend Jason Harris in the hot seat to help us with just that. Jason is the founder and CEO of the award winning creative agency Mekanism. He is one of Creativity Mag's most creative people in business, Top 100 People Who Make Advertising Great and about 52 other awards in the creative space. You've certainly... read more ›
1.3K reads
If you're looking for your next creative breakthrough or if you're in a job you hate and looking to make a change, this video from Dan Wieden of legendary Wieden + Kennedy agency in Portland is a worthy 15 min of your time. The intro is slow (a Portland love fest...) so skip in a few min if you're watching the clock. Here's what's in this video that I like: - dan is a really... read more ›
456 reads