At the age of just 24, Lewis Howes found his pro football career abruptly ended by injury. He collapsed into a depression, paralyzed by fear and overwhelmed by the prospect of rebooting literally his entire life (with no money, no degree, and nothing to fall back on). But unwilling to accept defeat, he broke the massive challenge of reinventing himself into a series of smaller, manageable goals that he took on way by one. It... read more ›
2.3K reads
Turn back your mental clock to April of 2012, when Facebook acquired Instagram for the eye-popping price of $1 billion. It was a big story, with headlines all over not just the tech press but mainstream outlets like CNN, Newsweek and the nightly news-- who could have imagined a company with barely over a dozen employees commanding a 10-figure valuation?! Like most of you, I watched the story unfold like some kind of tech fairy... read more ›
36.1K reads
We often chase our dreams at the expense of our bodies. In the dogged pursuit of what we call success, we often don’t think about our bodies until they start to hurt. Dr. Kelly Starrett is redefining the way we think about success to include our basic physical health. His approach to movement, mechanics, and mobility isn’t just for athletes-- it’s a path toward health and wholeness for virtually anyone. Kelly works with professional athletes,... read more ›
2.6K reads
Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. He’s a best selling author, a renowned keynote speaker and releases tons of free content such as the The #AskGaryVee Show all surrounding valuable insights on social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses. Great to have Gary... read more ›
1.9K reads
She calls herself a shame and vulnerability researcher, she’s a storyteller, and has one of the most popular ted talks of all time. Brené Brown studies and talks about subjects we’re all intimately familiar with, but most of us rarely discuss. She has deeply, deeply inspired me. She’s a life changer, and a game changer and she also has 3 NYT Best Sellers in the top 10, including her latest book, Rising Strong. I love... read more ›
5.1K reads
Arianna Huffington is one of the most influential women in the world. In May 2005, she launched the Huffington Post, a Pulitzer Prize-winning news and blog site that has become one of the strongest media brands on the Internet. She is a prolific media commentator, a confident political activist, and the author of more than 15 books. In this episode, we take a deep dive into a topic that has become near and dear to... read more ›
2.5K reads
If you've been following me for awhile, my guest today will be familiar to you -- my good friend Tim Ferriss. He actually was a very early guest of cjLIVE, and now years later it's good to have him back. If you're not familiar with Tim, he's a 3x New York Times Best-Selling Author. He has a podcast that’s been downloaded over 70 MILLION times, a new TV show called the Tim Ferriss Experiment, an... read more ›
4.1K reads
From her start as a “Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop, and a dream,” Marie Forleo built a digital empire. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Forbes top 100 websites for Entrepreneurs, her mission is to help you realize your greatest potential and use your unique talents to change the world. In this episode, we dive into real lessons of listening to your gut,... read more ›
4.2K reads
Seth Godin is an incredible human. He’s an author of 18, yes that's right, 18 best selling books. He is an entrepreneur, a guru in marketing, and writes a post every day on his blog which has been noted as one of the top marketing blogs on the internet. Seth's most current focus is his course called the altMBA focused on developing high-powered thinkers and leaders. One of the things I like best about Seth... read more ›
4.2K reads
UPDATED AGAIN WITH A TREAT: SPECIAL OFFER: This is LIVE right NOW. Buy the Tim Ferriss creativeLIVE course #4HourLife and get a free copy of Tim's new book. Click for details Sale ends today! (somewhere around a $35 value + shipping) _____ UPDATE: Tim is LIVE NOW... both today and tomorrow. Tune in here at _____ Short version: renowned 4-hour-everything guy Tim Ferriss is gonna be on creativeLIVE next week... read more ›
1.2K reads