There’s a precision that comes with experience and maturity that lends its language to the unexplainable. Tapping into this kind of knowledge helps us bring our understanding of our own experience full circle as we develop ourselves creatively and professionally over time. I’ve had Todd Henry on the show before where we talk about creating work that lasts. He’s the creator for creators and I’m talking with him again on how we can develop... read more ›
1K reads
Yesterday I announced on my newsletter some big news .... (If you're not yet subscribed, I'm sharing some of the messy bits of my creative process in an easy to digest package.) This past Friday Sept 2nd was my last day at CreativeLive... …and I couldn't be more excited. I'll explain. I originally began drafting this note last week while overlooking the majestic California coastline, near Big Sur, as a part of a much-needed vacation.... read more ›
650 reads
Is it always the best decision to trust your gut? When it’s time to make a simple decision, (where to eat, what car to buy, where to go on vacation) we rely on resources and data at our disposal. We check reviews, compare ratings, and ultimately decide based on available data. So why does it often feel like we're winging it when it comes to bigger life decisions? Am I happy? Am I working on... read more ›
1.4K reads
Lisa Bilyeu spent 8 years of her life as a supportive housewife (which she described as “mundane purgatory”) until her husband's fast growing company, Quest Nutrition, required her to dive head first into business. Energized by her work, she started giving herself permission to make small moves in another direction. These decisions ultimately led Lisa to become co-founder of a billion-dollar company, an international leader in the world of personal growth and now, author empowering... read more ›
2.6K reads
If you're pursing a photography career, you'll want to lean into my latest conversation on the Chase Jarvis LIVE show with Chris Burkard. I have had the great privilege of knowing Chris for darn near a decade now. As an accomplished photographer, explorer, author, creative director, and speaker, he has travelled to some of the most remote places on earth capturing stories and images that connect us to nature and the importance of protecting... read more ›
1.7K reads
What sets memorable stories, presentations, and speeches apart from the ordinary? If you think it has to do with the speaker's innate ability, you'll be surprised to learn that it doesn't. Fortunately, Victoria Wellman knows how to craft compelling messages and overcome our fear of public speaking. Victoria is the Co-Founder of The Oratory Laboratory, a Manhattan-based boutique creative agency for public speakers. Formerly a journalist, copywriter, producer, a trained actress and voice-over artist, Victoria... read more ›
1.5K reads
Pain and suffering are fundamental to the human experience. We come into this world with the belief that there’s a better, more beautiful world out there, and we long to return to it. This pain can consume you if you let it, but it can also be a potent catalyst for creativity. Questions to get things rolling: Do you typically repress the pain, internalize it, and let it damage the way you treat yourself and... read more ›
1.7K reads
Building Charisma with Non-Verbal Cues Is charisma a born trait? Or can it be learned? On today’s episode, Vanessa Van Edwards—a renowned expert on social skills and interpersonal intelligence is in the building with a toolbox of techniques and non-verbal cues that will supercharge your communication. "I used to think you're either born with charisma, or you're not. Then I stumbled upon research that showed highly charismatic people have a very specific blend of two... read more ›
4.1K reads
HOW PASSION DRIVES BUSINESS SUCCESS The first day Payal Kadakia moved into her apartment before starting her job at Bain & Company, she attended a Bollywood dance class that happened to be just three blocks away. Payal, who has an Indian-American background, studied operations research and economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but she was always determined to keep dance in her life—both during her college... read more ›
1.5K reads
The Dark Side of Being World-Class In speed skating, a hard pivot is an aggressive turn that requires balance, focus, and courage. Blasting down the ice, shoulder to shoulder with another world-class competitor, blades on his feet, Apolo Ohno began his Olympic career in 2002, eventually winning eight gold medals and becoming the most decorated athlete in US Winter Olympics history. Stories about the commitment, sacrifice, and work ethic required to reach the pinnacle of... read more ›
577 reads