Scott Harrison is the founder and CEO of one of my favorite non-profits: charity:water which has brought clean water to 8.49 million people around the world. They’ve raised $320 million to date—and put it to good work. Scott just released his first book Thirst: A Story of Redemption, Compassion, and a Mission to Bring Clean Water to the World and it’s about time. He’s an incredible storyteller and, both in his book and in this... read more ›
1.8K reads
Glennon Doyle is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling memoir Love Warrior, and Carry On, Warrior. Glennon is also the founder of Momastery an online community reaching millions each week, and Together Rising—a non-profit organization that has raised seven million dollars for families around the world through its Love Flash Mobs, which have revolutionized online giving. Prepare your ears for a healthy dose of honesty, as that’s what Glennon does best. She... read more ›
3.9K reads
Hi Friends. Hopefully you saw my #IceBucketChallenge video and donated or participated in the #ALS internet meme (and were able to keep sight of the real target of raising awareness + $$ for ALS!) To be clear we were just goofing from a production standpoint, but since there was some cinematic playfulness and we used a bit of photo tech for my icy challenge, I got a bunch of questions / comments from readers asking... read more ›
1.3K reads
I know, I know! I'm two weeks late for the #ALS #icebucketchallenge...I hate being late for an internet meme, but this is obviously way more/bigger/important than a meme... In this case, as you know by now, the world is raising awareness and money for ALS research. I've donated to ALS for not hitting my 24hr mark... and it's never too late for a good cause, so bring on the ice anyway, per the... read more ›
953 reads
Remember the group fine art show I was bubbling about in September? I intro'd it here, updated the project here. In short, 50 fellow artists -- some of the worlds best known photographers, street artists, fashion designers, painters, celebrities, sculptors and more -- came together at the lofty Phillips de Pury gallery in NYC to raise money for charity... This here video chronicles just a part of the story--the making of my piece... read more ›
538 reads
Indeed, today is my birthday! I'm celebrating with family and friends up at our cabin on the coast (snapshot here of yours truly at our fire on the beach last night), but there is something else that's on my mind today. Giving back. And I've decided that in this coming year of my life, one of my goals is to give more time, money, and effort toward philanthropy and charity. This will take many manifestations... read more ›
466 reads