In one of my most popular #cjRAW episodes, I talked about How I Learn. In the era where we're all a bunch of hyphens -- as in we've all gotta learn not one job but 3, 4, or 5... We're photographers, designers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and more -- all at the same time... How in the hell do we navigate it all? If it sometimes seems overwhelming, then this post if for you. In short - becoming a master... read more ›
9K reads
SHORT VERSION: Are you on SnapChat? If so add me @chasejarvis. We'll have a tighter relationship and I'll add value I promise. Are you NOT on SnapChat but curious? Read on... LONGER BUT STILL SHORT-ISH VERSION Are you on snapchat? If so, add me. If not, I truly truly believe in my heart of hearts this is something you should consider IF you love telling/consuming stories or want more access to me/my life and the... read more ›
12.9K reads
Problem: the freelance life can be amazing, but there are lots of overlooked pitfalls when you're working for yourself. In particular I'm interested in one problem that none of my freelance friends--nor anyone on the internet quite frankly-- is talking about...and that's movement and physical well being. In a recent #cjRAW, I addressed this head on and we talked about 3 ways to move your body throughout the day (it focused on standup desks, walking... read more ›
9.2K reads
AWARENESS. Awareness is the secret to finding beauty. Recently Kate and I took a quick trip to a small island off the coast of Seattle called Vashon to visit two of our good friends Michael and Angel...I was vlogging the trip. While reviewing the footage, I noticed myself noticing / saying how "beautiful" this or that was, noticing small details in they way something looked or smelled ... like 50 times. In short, it started... read more ›
4.6K reads
You guys have heard me talking about my early lifelong love of activity and sports like skateboarding, skiing, football, and even going to college on a soccer scholarship. Coming from an athletic background, I always considered myself pretty active. Yet, the truth is, once I started building my photography career in action sports I put my entire focus in that and the majority of my movement came from my work. Even though my career is... read more ›
3.2K reads
We're into the new year and everyone's talking about resolutions and goals... lose weight, quit drinking, teach yourself some new skills. Yet something like 1 in 3 folks give up before the end of the first month. What gives? I'm cutting to the punchline on this one: 'Change' by itself sounds so big and ominous. But it's not. At its core, change is just making the 'right' decision toward the outcome you want enough time... read more ›
9.4K reads
So grateful for all the feedback on the last #cjRAW. Went vlog style for the Stolen Golf Cart + Other Life Lessons vid and got great feedback (with, of course, one hater ;) As such - given the fun I had making the last one, the success of that approach, plus some free time early in this new year and I thought I'd follow up that with another vlog episode here... This time - of... read more ›
2K reads
I was crushed when I heard about the Paris attacks. My heart and mind go out for everyone affected. Ugh. For those who've been following awhile, you may know that I lived and worked in Paris for a few years. It's a place I'm still deeply connected with ... close friends, regular vacations and visits, deep memories, and a place whose community we will always belong. When tragedies like these happen, there is the horror.... read more ›
2.9K reads
Hey friends - Time is flying. We're already at episode 10 of the new #cjRAW, and frankly speaking, I'm just getting warmed up. Boom. Onto this week's episode where I'm AGAIN answering YOUR questions, just like Episode 02..AAAAANNNNDD.... While selecting questions for this episode, I noticed more and more questions coming in were starting with "Hey Chase"... So that got me thinking ... what if you/everyone just tags their questions with #HeyChase it'll be easier... read more ›
1.1K reads
Fellow creators, makers, do'ers and lovers of all things internet and beyond... WELCOME to the first day in a new chapter! I've been promising more content is in store, and today I'm on the delivering end of that promise... and happy to be kicking off my newest video series, chasejarvis RAW. Errrrrr. But wait a minute you say. I know, I know. RAW?! If you’ve been following me for awhile, you'll certainly be familiar with... read more ›
1.5K reads