Seth Godin returns to talk strategy and why getting the direction right is way more crucial than just moving fast. We chat about how creatives and entrepreneurs often confuse tactics with strategy and how fixing that could transform careers. Seth shares stories, insights, and the tough decisions he’s made to get better results, like firing major clients to create bigger opportunities. It’s all about finding your path and making the right moves for long-term... read more ›
242 reads
Let's cut through the noise for a second. The term "influencer" gets tossed around so much these days, you'd think amassing a huge following is the only path to success in creative careers. But is that really what we should be chasing? I've been in this game for a while, and I can tell you with absolute certainty: fixating on influence for its own sake is a dead end. The real goal? Creating meaningful work.... read more ›
252 reads
Let's get real for a second. How many times have you told yourself, 'I'll start taking my art seriously when I'm a pro'? Or maybe you've thought, 'I can't charge for this - I'm just a hobbyist.' If you're nodding along, you might be sabotaging your creative career. Here's the truth bomb: You're already a professional. If you're getting paid for your creative work, even occasionally, you've crossed that threshold. Stop waiting to 'become' what... read more ›
203 reads
I’m a self-taught photographer. I progressed in fits and starts and plenty of dead ends. Yet no one was telling me what to learn. I was following my curiosity- just trying to take photos I wanted. Successes helped me solidify new techniques, and failures gave me opportunities to figure out what I did wrong. But here’s the thing. If you want to be the noun, you need to do the verb. I wanted to be... read more ›
1K reads
Timothy Goodman has been around the creative block. An award-winning artist, graphic designer, author and public speaker, his work has been featured in the New York Times, Fast Company and Wall Street Journal. He has designed for names like Nike, Samsung, Yves Saint Laurent, MoMA and Netflix to Tiffany & Co., Uniqlo, Target Apple, Google, and The New Yorker. In 2021, Goodman made his debut as a solo gallery artist with I’m Too Young To... read more ›
907 reads
Here we are at the intersection of our creative work and our ability to use technology to scale. This is where we find our place in the creator economy. The big question so many of us have is, now that we’re here, what habits help us create success? Creators want to know how to go from monetizing their creative work to building a personal brand, legacy, and multiple streams of income. It turns out,... read more ›
843 reads