Have you ever felt that gnawing sensation in your gut, telling you something isn't quite right? That voice whispering you're meant for more, even as you're ticking all the boxes of a "successful" life? I've been there. In fact, I was there just months ago, staring at the finished manuscript of my new book. By all accounts, it was a solid piece of work. But deep down, I knew it wasn't the book I needed... read more ›
501 reads
If you've been following me for awhile, you probably know I'm a big fan of cold water therapy. But that didn't happen overnight. I first experienced the power of cold therapy during athletics, in the form of icing. The anti-inflammatory properties of the ice reduced swelling and improved recovery. At the time, the multitude of benefits beyond decreased inflammation remained unknown. After college and leaving a possible athletic career behind, I dove head first into photography... read more ›
1.7K reads
Skipping to the front of the line is gutsy. It involves taking risks, exploring your curiosity, and getting uncomfortable. Each time James Altucher comes on the show, he provides incredible advice. I was excited to talk with James about his new book and how anyone can catapult themselves to the front of their discipline in an ethical way. When we pursue our dreams, we attract fans. However, we will also face criticism and backlash... read more ›
611 reads
You may well be aware that the classic idea of stress — or at least the popular opinion of it — is that it's restraining. However, stress can also have a positive impact- this is eustress. In today’s micro show we’re going to explore how to use stress to your advantage. Eustress is what puts you on the spot to tackle necessary situations you would otherwise choose to keep away from. It helps you overcome... read more ›
402 reads
Being uncomfortable isn't usually fun. In fact, we're probably more likely to try to avoid uncomfortable situations than actually run toward them. Yet, it is a valuable skill. Not only in dealing with adversity but giving us confidence and trust in ourselves to recover quickly from failure, manage our fears, and explore the unknown. In today's episode, we dive a big deeper into this topic and I share a few ways we can all practice... read more ›
444 reads