Would you consider 'geek' an endearing term? What about a powerful one? Technical progress expert Andrew McAfee wants to make it the latter by transforming our perception of what it means. https://youtu.be/W-_NzsngLJQ?feature=shared "For me, a geek is an obsessive maverick. It's somebody who can't let go of a hard problem. They just have to wrestle it. They have to try to solve it and they'll embrace really unconventional solutions. And I flatter myself by calling... read more ›
467 reads
In this week's episode, I delve into the importance of play and experimentation in a creative career. I discuss how personal work can lead to new opportunities and help you better understand your own interests and goals. I also offer some practical advice on how to balance commercial work with personal projects, and how to know when it's time to move on from a creative endeavor. This is a continuation of the Q&A show I... read more ›
678 reads