Becoming a family-first entrepreneur is all about balance. When Steve Chou, a highly renowned entrepreneur and educator in the e-commerce space, creator of multiple 7-figure businesses, and founder of asked me if I heard the four burner theory before, I was intrigued. Steve Chou, has a bachelor's and master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He contributes to leading industry publications and has created multiple 7 figure businesses. Over the course of a... read more ›
781 reads
Let’s face it, when you put new creative ideas into the world few people understand it. Others may reject it. Overall it’s likely you’ll be met with resistance. That’s ok. Get used to it. Build that muscle. 💪🏼 Listen to the Podcast <span style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" data-mce-type="bookmark" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span> Cynicism is Poison You know as well as I do that some people in our lives discourage us and weigh us down... read more ›
701 reads
Standing Out Isn't Easy It takes a lot of courage to embrace our own creativity. It's not easy. When we declare our pursuits to those closest to us, they're not carrying the same passion for it that we are. They're not bad people that want to see us miserable. They don't understand, our passion drives us. It's the people who love us the most that will react. It's very common for loved ones to want... read more ›
1K reads
There is the path that society influences us to take in our journey towards purpose and success, and there is the voice that may call us to an unbeaten path when we don’t quite fit the mainstream mold. This was the case with Nabil Ayers, who, at two years old fell in love with music when he was given his first drum set. Though Nabil did end up going to college, his marks did not... read more ›
1K reads
Is it time to take the leap? Anyone you've admired, looked up to or emulated has, at some point, taken a necessary risk to move towards the living and life of their choice. Today, Pulitzer prize-winning poet Jericho Brown is here to talk about how he did just that, and the key to speaking truth through art. Jericho's advice for anyone beginning their journey struck me as profound, yet simple. What would a day look... read more ›
512 reads
Society would have us believe that we’re just supposed to know what we’re meant to do in our life, but it’s not true. It’s only through action - taking small steps every day - that the bigger picture is revealed. That is something that my guest, Steve Aoki, shares on this episode of the show. He’s one of the most prolific, renowned DJ and music producers in the world. He’s been nominated for multiple Grammys... read more ›
554 reads
Austin Kleon likes to call himself “a writer who draws.” He is the best selling author of three illustrated books (Newspaper Blackout, Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work), and one of the most insightful voices on the topic of creativity. He’s been featured on media institutions like NPR’s Morning Edition, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS Newshour and speaks for organizations such as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist.... read more ›
4.9K reads
Hi friends! Quick favor to ask here – would LOVE your help if you’re interested or know a family who meets the requirements below. I've turned to you guys before for stuff like this and it's been fun and good for us all. As such, this could be a really fun experience and provide some really solid money for the holidays... In short, we're looking for a large 20 - 30 person, multi-generational family for... read more ›
373 reads
We're so innundated with photos these days. If you miss a loved one, you can just pull up a Facebook page or shoot them a text asking for a picture of what they're doing. But what if you were locked away with limited access to images. What would you ask... read more ›
2.4K reads