There is a raw, metaphysical power in snapshots that cannot be denied. Throughout my career I have been hired or commissioned to create very specific technical photos. There are lights and crews and mechanics involved - and while it's incredibly creative - it's also complicated. There is a purity and undeniable power in a snapshot. I recently came across these stunning snapshots (via Flavorwire), spanning 50... read more ›
2.7K reads
Round here we celebrate photographs. While they sometimes tell stories of love and laughter, they also sometimes tell stories of sadness, horror, or otherwise unsavory-ness. These mugshots of some of the most famous rock stars the world has ever known fall somewhere in between. Check out the confluence of stoicism, ego, and genius in this shot of Frank Sinatra (other greats from Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious, David Bowie, Axl Rose and a dozen... read more ›
4.4K reads