Today I’m excited to be the first to share with you a piece of game-changing technology that will help new AND established cinema / video camera operators capture world class moving pictures in the most intuitive, simple way that I’ve ever imagined. And if you read to the bottom of this post, you’ll see I’m giving you a chance to win this gear valued at ~$5000. Over my career in the photo & film industries... read more ›
4.7K reads
Last week when I posted the broadcast commercial for REI that I recently directed, I promised a behind-the-scenes vid. So here 'tis -- the focus here on the epic aerial shots we nailed using a remote-operated RC helicopter flying an onboard camera, curtesy of our friends at FreeFly Cinema. Hope you dig it. Also--since a lot of y'all have been asking via social channels--I figured I'd give a second-by-second, shot-by-shot breakdown of the... read more ›
4.1K reads
VERY stoked to finally share some of my latest commercial director work that's playing all over your TV's here in the USA. It's the new 30 second broadcast TV spot for that great outdoor brand, REI. Remember all these posts back in March, chronicling the day by day shooting of a video-and-print campaign-all-in-one shoot?...working through some curveball weather challenges? Well, this spot here is one of the fruits of that labor. As you... read more ›
1.5K reads