Society would have us believe that we’re just supposed to know what we’re meant to do in our life, but it’s not true. It’s only through action - taking small steps every day - that the bigger picture is revealed. That is something that my guest, Steve Aoki, shares on this episode of the show. He’s one of the most prolific, renowned DJ and music producers in the world. He’s been nominated for multiple Grammys... read more ›
567 reads
31 If you're a regular reader you know that I'm a big Lumineers fan. They’ve been on my radar for a while and are one of my favorites right now. My friend John Richards from Seattle's KEXP first brought The Lumineers to my attention. John, along with their manager Dave, gave me the head's up that these guys had the special sauce. So we had them on chasejarvisLIVE back in April 2012. It was a... read more ›
429 reads
I had the Lumineers on the show back in April. They've been on my radar for a while, probably one of my favorites right now. As anticipated they brought down the house for our privileged in-studio audience. Since that time they have been lighting up stages all over the globe - including an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in July. They are on their way to stardom and deserve every bit of... read more ›
1.3K reads
Posted for your enjoyment, The Lumineers perform a stunning set on chasejarvis LIVE, recorded April 3rd at my Garage studio in Seattle. Guest appearance but one of the best radio DJ's in the world, John Richards about half way thru. Enjoy. Share with music loving friends if you dig it. ____
1.1K reads
UPDATE!! If you're reading this now - the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Read the post below, then be sure to tune into and enjoy the show. Giving away some valuable stuff too. See you on air in a few... ------- Unless you're new here, you know how much love I have for music AND what an important role I think it plays in not just our creative professions, but in our culture at large.... read more ›
611 reads