This black and white portrait series has been a hard won achievement by Australian photographer Rohan Phillips. At only 27 years old, much of his teenage and adult life has been spent in and out of hospitals battling life-threatening health problems, including digestive tract paralysis and testicular cancer. Even after a successful surgery to remove the tumor and cancer cells, he still needs to be "attached to a feeding machine for 17 hours a day,... read more ›
3.8K reads
[First published shortly after Neil Armstong's death in August 2012] Neil Armstrong passed this weekend. I was sad to hear the news that the man who spoke those immortal words that inspired the world: "It's a small step for [a] man, a giant leap for mankind," had left us. He was a hero to many. President Obama said of his passing, "Neil Armstrong was a hero not just... read more ›
9.9K reads
Art created for the sole intent of eliciting surprise and delight- often with anonymity - makes the world a more creative place. A story on NPR caught my eye yesterday - about a project that aims to help map these works on a global scale. I'm intrigued. I've explored the concept of social art on this blog and publicly many times. It's happening everywhere now. Creating an app... read more ›
1.8K reads
Inspiration is everywhere. Sometimes you just have to look in unexpected places. Like the past. Whidbey Island, WA photographer Jim Adams has done something you don't see every day: time travel photography. He finds a location that presents a compelling image, does a ton of research to find historical images, and then carefully overlays old with new to blend decades - even centuries - into a single image.... read more ›
2.4K reads
Some Friday fun to inspire your weekend: Reinvent the mundane. Im always impressed with how street artists can transform mundane objects into a fertile canvas. Visually rearranging everyday spaces that seem to serve a single function (like a crosswalk or drain), and remixing with an ingenuity that knocks function on its ass. This reinvention of a seemingly innocuous wall, either in a highly economical manner or with painstaking precision and effort, tilts our perspective. Surprise... read more ›
1.4K reads
Summer-time wildfires are a fact of life in the dry climates of the Rocky Mountain state. However, the conditions in Colorado this summer have brought record breaking wildfires. There are currently three major fires burning at once. The High Park, Waldo Canyon and Flagstaff fires have consumed, by some estimates, over 100,000 acres and close to 600 homes. Devastating. The photography coming out of Colorado is powerful.... read more ›
1.1K reads
Here’s another 60 Second Portrait, starring Mike Relm this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here.
358 reads
On Tuesday my post on backing up your digital data elicited hundreds of responses online. Many of you had a good quip on a time-tested methodology on how to back up your most treasured memories: print them. What a concept - the photo as an object. As our culture ebbs and, largely FLOWS to just some bits and bytes on a hardrive or server somewhere, an actual physical... read more ›
1.2K reads
A friend of mine always has the same weird thought when visiting Las Vegas, "What would an alien make of this place in a totally abandoned state? Can you imagine the ruins of a slot machine with no context?" It's these weird thoughts that can lead to your next piece of personal work. Mine usually come at 3am. An example of some post-apocalyptic creativity is Richard Allenby-Pratt’s series... read more ›
700 reads
14 I love what GoPro is making possible. These are things I've been asking for from a lot of manufacturers for years. I'm excited someone is listening.
870 reads