Imagine waking up every day, dreading the work that once filled you with excitement. You feel trapped, exhausted, and uninspired. This is the reality of creative burnout, a common plight among creators and entrepreneurs. It’s a silent thief that steals your joy and stifles your creativity. But what if I told you that the key to overcoming this burnout lies not in working harder, but in aligning your work with what truly resonates with you? ... read more ›
29 reads
The Pressure to Perform After Achievement Imagine this: You've just achieved something monumental. Maybe you've won an Olympic gold medal, launched a successful startup, or finished that creative project you've been pouring your heart and soul into for years. You're riding high on the rush of accomplishment, basking in that sweet moment of victory, ready to take a creative pause and soak it all in… And then it happens. "So, what's next?" Those three little... read more ›
66 reads
READ THIS FIRST! Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. - Helen Keller View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chase Jarvis (@chasejarvis) Safety is an illusion. It does not exist in nature, so why then... read more ›
178 reads
Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a loop, endlessly waiting for that burst of motivation to strike? You're not alone. The fear of wasted potential and the desire for meaningful progress haunt creators and entrepreneurs alike. But here's the hard truth: motivation is unreliable. It’s fleeting. It can vanish as quickly as it appears. If you're tired of waiting for that perfect moment to take action, it’s time to shift your focus. What... read more ›
320 reads
Life doesn't come with an instruction manual, but this is pretty close. Creative expert Julia Cameron recently released her latest book, 'Living the Artist’s Way', which delves into the importance of nurturing our inner creativity. I'm beyond excited to have her back on the show to discuss this project along with some of her other insightful works. Morning Pages vs Writing for Guidance I start this conversation with Julia Cameron by discussing a staple... read more ›
509 reads
Too many of us have spent far too long following someone else's plan for our lives, trapped by limiting beliefs and societal expectations. But guess what? It's all an illusion. We have the power to break free and pursue our own dreams. Imagine a life where you can fully embrace your creative capacity. Where your intuition guides you towards greatness. Where you can break free from societal norms and embrace your true potential. Sounds pretty... read more ›
506 reads
You’ve heard the phrase, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Relationships are significant because they influence and shape our experiences, success, and repetitive cycles that hinder our performance in other areas of life. However, when we learn to navigate relationships with mindfulness and compassion, they can also be rewarding and bring us closer to who we want to be. Listen to the Podcast Sheleana Aiyana is driven by... read more ›
2.2K reads
There is the path that society influences us to take in our journey towards purpose and success, and there is the voice that may call us to an unbeaten path when we don’t quite fit the mainstream mold. This was the case with Nabil Ayers, who, at two years old fell in love with music when he was given his first drum set. Though Nabil did end up going to college, his marks did not... read more ›
1K reads
Is it always the best decision to trust your gut? When it’s time to make a simple decision, (where to eat, what car to buy, where to go on vacation) we rely on resources and data at our disposal. We check reviews, compare ratings, and ultimately decide based on available data. So why does it often feel like we're winging it when it comes to bigger life decisions? Am I happy? Am I working on... read more ›
1.3K reads
Have you ever felt just "off"? We don't always know what it is, but we can sometimes have a feeling that something in our lives isn't aligned with who we really are. That moment happened for Amber Rae and it sent her inward to listen, re-evaluate, and just be. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amber Rae (@heyamberrae) If you're not familiar with Amber Rae's work, she is a... read more ›
1.3K reads