Ever wonder why, despite your best efforts, happiness seems to elude you? Arthur C. Brooks, a Harvard professor and happiness expert, argues that the real reason you're not happy isn't about external achievements. It's about something much deeper and more intrinsic. Let's explore the science and philosophy behind true happiness and discover practical steps to achieve lasting contentment. The Myth of External Happiness Arthur Brooks debunks a common myth: the belief that external factors like... read more ›
145 reads
Stephanie Harrison's story starts with a mindset similar to many in their early 20s. Gainfully employed, ambitious, and with all of New York City at her feet, she was exactly where she wanted to be. On paper. Something felt missing, even though her longtime dream of living independently in the Big Apple had been achieved. She recalls being miserable without a clear idea of why. Eventually, ignoring the problem took its toll. Her body began... read more ›
184 reads
Entrepreneur Derek Sivers said it best: If you’re not saying “HELL YEAH” to something, it’s a no. It’s the idea that 1) we need to prioritize the things that light us up, and 2) the best way to focus our energy is to say no to more things that don’t. When we're navigating this journey called life, it's easy to veer off course, subtly losing our way in the daily grind. This is your life... read more ›
247 reads
If you often find yourself doubting your abilities and worthiness, despite the trail of achievements behind you. You're not alone. Imposter syndrome is a familiar foe to many. Let's set the record straight: these feelings, while normal, are not the truths that define you. It's crucial to distinguish between the natural emotions that accompany any ambitious journey and the reality of your accomplishments. If you pause and reflect on your path, you'll see that it... read more ›
475 reads
In the bustling corridors of our modern world, the term 'burnout' echoes like a haunting refrain. It's a shadow that looms large for many of us, threatening to dim our brightest moments. But what if there was a way out? Enter Suneel Gupta, bestselling author and co-founder of the Gross National Happiness Center. He unveils the secrets to rekindling the lost spark and finding joy in every endeavor. In our journey towards personal and professional... read more ›
703 reads
For Amanda Crew, art imitates life. While she is largely known for her role as Monica Hall on the HBO series Silicon Valley, she recently sat down with me to talk about the duality between her personal life and experience playing a woman who feels torn between the life she’s created and the life she really wants. It’s a thriller, Amanda tells me, but the underlying turmoil her character faces is something she can relate... read more ›
1K reads
While there may not be an instruction manual for life as a whole, Cyndie Spiegel's new book, Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay, has hope covered. The storyteller, writer, TEDx speaker, meditation teacher, former fashion executive and professor has experienced her fair share of overwhelming darkness and has used it to fuel her mission of inspiring hope in others. Cyndie recently sat down with me to discuss her trying journey, the lessons... read more ›
1.1K reads
Stress - we've all felt it, and in today's day and age, it's just a fact of life. But just because it's seemingly unavoidable doesn't mean you have to give in to it. Learning ways to manage and cope with stress is essential for a healthy and balanced life. This is something I spoke about in-depth on my latest podcast with Dr. Elissa Epel, an accomplished Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Psychiatry... read more ›
898 reads
I’m a huge believer in making art for art’s sake. Taking photos that no one is going to pay you for. Shooting films that aren’t commissioned or funded. Writing words that the world may never read. I’ve said before that doing and making always trumps talking about it, but there’s also a difference between the doing and making that pays the bills and the doing and making that brings joy, that hones craft, lights creative... read more ›
836 reads
We all have things that zap our time and energy. Many we are aware of, some we're not. Big confession: some of these took way longer to address than I care to admit. Over the pandemic I employeed a few different personal experiements that ended up changing my life for the better. In this episode I share what I tried and how it helped. Listen to the Podcast These have been some of the biggest... read more ›
1.2K reads