Do you have a big dream, but you're having trouble making progress? There is one simple thing you can do to start moving, and re-train your brain to operate autonomously, prioritize joy. Once you make this contract with yourself to pursue joy on a regular basis, you start to create inertia. So how do you get started? Maybe you don't know what action to take? I believe that a hugely under valued element of the... read more ›
1.1K reads
Today's episode is a little pick-me-up, a friendly reminder of three things to think about this week: 1- The happiness of our life depends on the quality of our thoughts 2- It's OK to quit stuff you weren't meant to do 3- Focus on actions that bring you joy We get all into it in this short episode. Hope it's a shot of goodness to keep top of mind. Enjoy! Listen to the Podcast Subscribe... read more ›
517 reads
We've come to reserve the word GENIUS only for the top percent of society, a special gifted few. But the truth is, there is genius in all of us. What we really need to do is find it and let it out. I asked Michael Meade, a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology and author of The Genius Myth to help break this down --- and like all good chasejarvisRAWs, he... read more ›
2.9K reads
My true calling in life is exactly what I'm doing right now, but I did not wake up one day and just KNOW that I wanted to become a photographer and an entrepreneur. It took years of trial and error, starts and stops, and listening to my own gut to find a path to here. It wasn't easy, and I think it rarely is. Over the years, people have asked me how to help them... read more ›
7.4K reads