Change is a scary word. So when we hear it non-stop in conversations about AI, it's no surprise that many people feel a sense of unease. But what if AI could actually be used for good? Imagine a world where technology is not just about profits and efficiency, but also about improving education and learning opportunities for all. Sal Khan believes that future is possible. If his name sounds familiar, that's probably because you've... read more ›
392 reads
Biomedical engineer. Professor. MIT faculty member. What on Earth could this guy have to say that's relevant to creators? A surprising amount, actually. Jeff Karp, PhD, is a member of the National Academy of Inventors who has been dually interested in science and entrepreneurship his whole life. He satisfies both passions by leading a team dedicated to bringing innovative technologies, needles, drug delivery systems, implantable devices, and diagnostics systems to market, where they ultimately save... read more ›
866 reads
The other day someone reached out to me in my text community. She said “Chase, I’m a 50-year old woman who has had a long career, but I’m feeling stuck and uninspired. I feel like it’s too late to do anything different!” Let me tell you what I told her. It’s never too late. It doesn’t matter if you’re just mid-career, or retired. If something is telling you it’s time for something different. There is... read more ›
543 reads
Learning is a journey. A transformative and lifelong process that shapes us in every aspect of our lives. As learners, we know that continuously acquiring new skills and knowledge is crucial to excel in our respective fields. But let's be real, sometimes it can feel overwhelming and challenging, right? Trust me, I've been there too. But here's the thing, understanding the three essential phases of learning can make all the difference. It not only makes... read more ›
805 reads
I was recently reminded that the fastest way to succeed is to fail. Literally. And yet the only reason this sounds a little weird, is because we’re constantly falling into a trap. There's No Perfect Plan In fact, I fell into this trap myself not too long ago. I was trying to make this little project work out perfectly (installing a golf simulator at the studio) I was doing all the calcs on paper… Making... read more ›
867 reads
No one is coming to save you. Experts are valuable when you’re learning new skills, but neither experts nor institutions are going to nurture you, guide you, or make your creative dream a reality. You’re on your own path. It’s all up to you. This isn’t a bad thing, either. Your creativity gives you the capacity to design the life you want. The world of education has already changed. You no longer need an MFA... read more ›
721 reads
There’s a saying that goes: Plan for Success, Learn from Failure While I’d anticipated a demand for frequent updates of Best Camera if we succeeded—I’d baked it into the contract—what I had not anticipated was the possibility of such incredibly rapid success. I’d structured an agreement with the developers based on the idea that the app would take a while to achieve liftoff. The revenue split favored me once their initial investment was repaid. That... read more ›
805 reads
Are you held back by a fear of rejection or failure? You're not alone. In fact, fear of rejection is incredibly pervasive in our culture. But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? What if, instead of trying and failing to avoid rejection, we leaned into it?... read more ›
887 reads
Let’s get something clear: all the “productivity” gibberish we read in our social feeds day in and day out is largely a waste of time. Productivity has become a self-help institution that deals with the symptoms rather than the cause of our problems. Instead of finding ways to cram more five-minute meetings into a day or accelerate the hamster wheel of emails flowing into your in-box, start thinking about how you can cultivate the state... read more ›
849 reads
It’s an obvious truism but something often neglected, but design is everything. It’s literally in every man-made thing we make, use, or celebrate. According to today’s guest, the act of design and creativity can benefit everyone, whether they see themselves as creative or not. Design is a process of free ideation, the overcoming of challenges and the presentation of clever solutions. Sarah Stein Greenberg is Executive Director of the at Stanford (aka the Hasso... read more ›
1K reads