Like yesterday's repost of Jasmine Star, I've had a giant volume of requests asking to repost THIS recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE with National Geographic photographer of Food and Culture AND Barnaby Dorfman,'s founder and CEO, to my YouTube channel. It's my pleasure to get it out there for those who missed it live. Penny DeLosSantos is a force of nature, having traveled the world over on assignments targeting food and culture. Hear... read more ›
867 reads
Hi friends. Lots of requests to re-post this episode of chasejarvisLIVE with Jasmine Star to my YouTube channel. So here 'tis. Those of you in the USA on the 3-day weekend celebrating Labor Day should find some time to take a peek. Reminder that her EPIC 5 day Wedding Photography course is downloadable for a bargain $149 over here at Also, chasejarvisLIVE featuring National Geographic photographer, culture and food maven, Penny DeLosSantos... read more ›
1.1K reads
I was in Paris last week. Part work, but mostly fun. Eating, drinking, being merry, and of course, snapping photos my iPhone--as I do everyday--with no end goal beyond staying creatively engaged. I was just now kicking through photos from the trip and stumbled on a couple of snapshots I thought were interesting for various reasons. I’ve posted stuff like this before and was really excited by the resulting discussion, so I figured I'd throw... read more ›
1.8K reads