Fraction Magazine today launched their annual Holiday Print Sale where, for between $30 and $100 bucks, you can purchase some pretty stunning original photographic art work. I got a DM from them this morning about the sale, went over and took a peek, and was positively struck by a lot of the work. The hook? The hook is that there is no hook. 100% of... read more ›
697 reads
I heard it again yesterday for the billionth time: "Digital Photography". Isn't it time we drop the word 'digital'? Seems we've managed to drop the "electric" from "electric guitar" in common parlance. We found it easy to drop the word "acrylic" from "acrylic painting" when that came on the scene with oils. We quickly ditched the "digital" from "digital music" when it took the lead over records and tapes and CDs. I suppose by-and-large our... read more ›
2.6K reads
In the past several days, I've received a ton of correspondence asking if I'd re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it. At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you'll be quite engaged.... read more ›
6.5K reads
I'm excited and proud to officially announce today the launch of Seattle 100: Portrait of a City. This project--a photo, video, and ethnographic study--is the culmination of a 3-year long labor of love where I've identified more than 100 people who are driving culture in/around Seattle. If you've been following along here for the past few weeks, you've seen me writing and vlogging about it. Well, now it's finally here. And like many... read more ›
850 reads
Friends: I am indeed giving the keynote address at this years big PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC on October 28th. And...drumroll....we're bringing it to you LIVE on the internets... WHAT: chasejarvis LIVE - Keynote from Photo Plus WHO: You, me, and some kick ass special guests WHERE: Javits Center at WHEN: October 28th - 11:30am EDT Love to meet you in person at the show or, of course, tune in... read more ›
863 reads
If you’ve been paying attention to my latest photo adventure play-by-play here online, then it needs little introduction. The short version is that I’ve been aboard the Pangaea sailing in the South China Sea (in typhoon season....) with renowned explorer Mike Horn. That said, the GEAR for my current project has been the subject of lots of your questions via my Twitter, Facebook and here on the blog, so I thought I’d give you a... read more ›
1.9K reads
Today is October 10, 2010...or if you’re sharper than me, that would be 10.10.10. And today all across the world, documentary filmmakers, students and inspired people like you are organizing to record the human experience during this 24 hour period and contribute a voice to what looks to be the largest participatory media event in history. Every country in the world--190 something--are participating, as well as nearly every major NGO...with cameras even being dropped into... read more ›
297 reads
I feel like I’ve seen a lot of the world in my relatively short life. I’ve hiked, camped, climbed, and adventured plenty on most of the continents. I’ve gone to some pretty remote places and seen some pretty remarkable stuff, but I’ve rarely been as connected to the earth as much as I’ve been in the past week. Being plucked from my daily life, the mayhem of a modern age, and then dropped into a... read more ›
803 reads
In the 8 weeks leading up to my Seattle 100: Portrait of a City launch, I promised to be blogging, vlogging and any other sort of ‘ogging one can do, as well as answering questions to share the behind the scenes of what’s going on with the project. I've been doing some o' that and now we're just 3 weeks out...sorta, but better. If you recall, in similar fashion to The Best Camera Is the... read more ›
433 reads
If you're doing something that's never been done before, how can you make the perfect plan? Whether it's an art concept, a picture, a business model, or a meal: you can't. Innovation, by definition, has no road map. Important: the same goes with creativity. That's why I like people who "do" and fail, a helluva lot more than people who just sit around and talk about it. Randy Nelson of Pixar says it... read more ›
2.2K reads