Thanks so much to everyone who tuned in to the sharing of my experiences with the new Nikon D7000 camera in this post here, where I featured the behind the scenes video and a new short film: Benevolent Mischief. It just so happens that I've been sitting on another little nugget since then that I'm excited to share today: the Benevolent Mischief REMIX featuring MC Victor Shade and MTK. Without losing you in... read more ›
761 reads
A while back I got call from the Nikon mothership which put the very first HDdSLR--the Nikon D90--into my hands months before the world had seen that technology. I won’t ever forget that experience. That little camera kicked off this whole craze of photo and video convergence that we’re swimming in today. Well...low and behold, a few months ago I got another one of those calls from Nikon. “Chase-san. We have a new... read more ›
12.7K reads
Why is it that our society clearly celebrates the chance takers, yet we rarely encourage one another to take chances--especially those people closest to us? Almost all your favorite artists quit the traditional to pursue their dreams. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college to pursue their passions. Regardless if you wanna be in art, or film, or accounting, or a pro athlete, the story is the same. Go tell your husband that... read more ›
1.3K reads
Like yesterday's repost of Jasmine Star, I've had a giant volume of requests asking to repost THIS recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE with National Geographic photographer of Food and Culture AND Barnaby Dorfman,'s founder and CEO, to my YouTube channel. It's my pleasure to get it out there for those who missed it live. Penny DeLosSantos is a force of nature, having traveled the world over on assignments targeting food and culture. Hear... read more ›
856 reads
Friends! It's been a long time coming, but today it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you my third book, titled Seattle 100: Portrait of a City.. From the back cover: Seattle 100: Portrait of a City is the culmination of a three-year personal project by renowned photographer, filmmaker, and social artist Chase Jarvis. Both a creative project and an insightful ethnography, Seattle 100 shares—via more than 300 stunning black-and-white portraits and biographies of... read more ›
1.3K reads
[We have received hundreds of questions asking how this shot was post produced, so we thought it would be fun--and a good use of this blog as a central conversation point--to do a post about it. A play by play. So let's join our retouch guru Scott as he walks us through this popular shot of mine from the desert in Dubai....take it away, Scotty...] It’s fair to say that a number of Chase’s images... read more ›
7.6K reads
"The reality is that it's easier to be inspired than it is to create an original idea and we are hardwired to take the path of least resistance. It's easier to jump onto a design inspiration gallery site than it is to sit down with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. It's easier to follow a pattern than it is to test-drive new options. It's easier to copy a style or idea that... read more ›
1.8K reads
Thought you'd get a kick out of this video that takes the latest Speedo advertising campaign from ideation to creation. I wish it went a whole bunch deeper (pun), but it's certainly enough to get my attention. Hope you dig. The underwater studio at Pinewood (0:42) is really dope. (I'm jealous...wish I'd have hired that pool for this work I did a while back...) Also--since the vid doesn't give any real love to... read more ›
1.9K reads
Indeed, today is my birthday! I'm celebrating with family and friends up at our cabin on the coast (snapshot here of yours truly at our fire on the beach last night), but there is something else that's on my mind today. Giving back. And I've decided that in this coming year of my life, one of my goals is to give more time, money, and effort toward philanthropy and charity. This will take many manifestations... read more ›
465 reads
Client: “How come all the photos I took have the heads cut off?” You: “Hmm, Did you look though the view finder when you took them?” Client: “I don’t know what that is. Can’t you just move the picture up so I can see their heads? I mean they’re digital pictures?” -- Clients come in all shapes, sizes and levels of experience in every line of work. Embedded this here due to its relevance. If... read more ›
535 reads