Are you having a bad day? Or was it a bad 5 minutes that you milked all day? I love this question. Because it’s so true! How often have we let something small ruin our entire day. Of course there are terrible things we all experience that are difficult to cope with, like tragedy. But that not what we’re talking about here. I’m talking about the small stuff. The every day shit that is gnaws... read more ›
1.1K reads
Bozoma Saint John is a businesswoman and marketing expert with over 20 years of experience at her back. She began her career with Spike Lee's advertising agency, then went on to work for the likes of Pepsi, Apple Music, Uber, Endeavor, and most recently Netflix. Bozoma has spent the last few years of her life shaking things up; the American Advertising Federation Hall of Achievement and American Marketing Hall of Fame inductee resigned from her... read more ›
662 reads
As you probably know, I’m a huge believer that so much of ‘THE GAME’ is mental. Stress, fear, anxiety, and our natural negativity bias is always ready beat us down. One of the most powerful tools in my toolbox to harness positivity in a seemingly tough situation is a daily gratitude practice. As we head into Thanksgiving here in the states, in the middle of a pandemic and everything else, I wanted to dig into... read more ›
704 reads
Rainn Wilson is best known for his legendary role as Dwight in TV’s award-winning show "The Office,” but he’s also a movie actor, a best selling author, the founder of media company SoulPancake, founder a non profit called Lidé Haiti, an amazing human….and a self-professed sci-fi and fantasy nerd! In this episode Rainn takes us on journey through his early life and into his ideas on art and creativity, hard work, parenting and spirituality. We... read more ›
2K reads
Stop me if any of this sounds familiar: You’re lurking a peer’s social media account, and what started as a cursory browse quickly takes a detour down the rabbit hole of self-doubt and envy: “S/he is so much better at X or Y than I am - I’ll never catch up! Look at his/her amazing X or Y and s/he’s always hanging with X or Y celebrity and nobody even knows who I am -... read more ›
9.2K reads
Sally Kohn is the author of the fantastic book, The Opposite of Hate. which explores how we can bridge our differences and speak respectfully with those we passionately disagree with. She has has been published in the New York Times, The Washington Post, and delivered multiple TED Talks on emotional correctness, clickbait, and correcting the culture of hate. In this episode we go deep into what it means to fight hate. Sally shares how to use... read more ›
907 reads
Happiness is not an accident. It’s not a state that randomly occurs when the stars align, nor a coincidence or a lucky windfall like buying a winning lottery ticket. In fact, there’s nothing random at all about happiness: it’s the natural product of our choices-- small choices that all of us make every minute of every hour of every day. Yes, there are many things in life that we have little or no control over,... read more ›
14.4K reads