Hustle is stupid. Without the right focus and vision, burning the candle at both ends will only leave you burnt out and unable to do what matters most to you. It won’t get you what you want (not really) and certainly won’t make you happy. Listen to the Podcast My Wakeup Call Don’t believe me? I didn’t either! But a few years ago, I had a wake-up call. After habitually sleeping five to six hours... read more ›
815 reads
Have you ever felt like you're running in place professionally? I know I have. After finishing college and starting a photography business I had to navigate this issue myself. I was always doing something, wearing all types of hats, but I wasn't seeing the results. In this episode, I go deep into my story to address one of the most critical elements of being a successful professional, no matter the discipline: where to place your... read more ›
706 reads