Because there are few establishing shots that can compete with the one you get above 250 feet, I frequently take my shoots airborne. Whether it's yanking the doors off a Bell Ranger traditional style or school way of sending an 8-bladed octo-copter to do the dirty work, if it's outdoors these days, aerial footage is, well, the new black. Neither option mentioned above is cheap, however. I've been paying thru the mega-schnoz... read more ›
2.6K reads
I don't know these Galileo guys, but I want to know them now. After you've pondered this video for about a quarter of a second and fully comprehending the future of this device and others like it -- all the way down to how it might affect your job, your future and your career path (for better + worse), consider kicking into their kickstarter project. I did. Or you can always bury your head in... read more ›
921 reads
Last week when I posted the broadcast commercial for REI that I recently directed, I promised a behind-the-scenes vid. So here 'tis -- the focus here on the epic aerial shots we nailed using a remote-operated RC helicopter flying an onboard camera, curtesy of our friends at FreeFly Cinema. Hope you dig it. Also--since a lot of y'all have been asking via social channels--I figured I'd give a second-by-second, shot-by-shot breakdown of the... read more ›
4.1K reads
I've been doing this stuff for a good chunk of my life - the only career I've ever had. And so when I'm talking about the quality of a day--the light, the crew, the shots, the vibe--I've got a fair bit to compare it to. Thousands of days on set. That said, today ranks pretty high on my list of epic days.... read more ›
617 reads