Stephanie Harrison's story starts with a mindset similar to many in their early 20s. Gainfully employed, ambitious, and with all of New York City at her feet, she was exactly where she wanted to be. On paper. Something felt missing, even though her longtime dream of living independently in the Big Apple had been achieved. She recalls being miserable without a clear idea of why. Eventually, ignoring the problem took its toll. Her body began... read more ›
304 reads
In the realm of relationships, friendship is often celebrated for its simplicity and ease. Yet, as many of us navigate the complexities of modern life, the essence of being a genuinely good friend becomes more nuanced. It's not just about being there; it's about how you're there. If your friendships have been feeling a bit surface level lately, I wanted to share 3 ideas that take a little courage, but can transform casual friends to... read more ›
3.6K reads
Are we navigating through an era of narcissism, entitlement and incivility? By this point many of us have raised the question, “Is it me or is it them?” Recently I discussed this in depth with Dr. Ramani Durvasula. We want to uncover what in the world of narcissism is really going on. Dr. Ramani Durvasula PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist. She is Professor Emerita of Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles and leads in... read more ›
1K reads
My favorite gift to give, whether during the holidays or otherwise, is time. As a nonrenewable resource, its value is gold. And unfortunately, in today’s world, this gift is increasingly rare. We can sit in the same house or even the same room with someone and be completely separated from them. With this in mind, there are other ways to show we care, especially when circumstances might make time together harder to come by. One... read more ›
498 reads
Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera has extensively studied the science that ties the mind and body together. Inspired by her own personal experiences with anxiety and stress, she's dedicated to understanding how difficult feelings emerge with the goal of empowering others to take control of their lives in a holistic way. I recently had the pleasure of having her back on the podcast to discuss the interplay between physical and mental health, the importance of... read more ›
530 reads
There's no question that we live in unprecedented times. Even for those of us who haven't been around for a full lifetime yet; things feel different than they did 10 years ago. While we might scoff at our parents for blaming it on phones, the reality is that technology is a huge part of the problem. The way we connect with others has changed drastically over the decades, to the point where teenagers today require... read more ›
584 reads
Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Steve Jobs... humanity has seen quite a few failures over the years. But history doesn't remember them for their missteps - it's for what they accomplished in spite of all else. Beyond impressive inventions and firsts of their kind, people appreciate other people who show them what’s possible with the right mindset. Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, has been studying the science behind... read more ›
1K reads
Newsflash: you're flawed. I'm flawed. We're all flawed. And that's because we're all human. Yet at the same time, we live in a culture of perpetual self-improvement - one that pressures us to be better and meet high standards on a consistent basis. Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani knows this well. As the co-founder of Mindvalley, the powerful life transformation platform used by over 20 million people worldwide, she has dedicated her life to personal development, helping individuals... read more ›
811 reads
10 It doesn't take a shrink to figure out how Priya Parker became a master of gathering. Raised in a biracial American-Indian household, she grew up with two very different family trees that were both literally and figuratively a world apart from one another. To her, communication was an essential part of creating and maintaining lasting connections. Over the last two decades, Priya has dedicated her career to studying and teaching the art of conflict... read more ›
2K reads
Are you having a bad day? Or was it a bad 5 minutes that you milked all day? I love this question. Because it’s so true! How often have we let something small ruin our entire day. Of course there are terrible things we all experience that are difficult to cope with, like tragedy. But that not what we’re talking about here. I’m talking about the small stuff. The every day shit that is gnaws... read more ›
1.3K reads