Because there are few establishing shots that can compete with the one you get above 250 feet, I frequently take my shoots airborne. Whether it's yanking the doors off a Bell Ranger traditional style or school way of sending an 8-bladed octo-copter to do the dirty work, if it's outdoors these days, aerial footage is, well, the new black. Neither option mentioned above is cheap, however. I've been paying thru the mega-schnoz... read more ›
2.6K reads
Are you pursuing your personal passions to get the pictures you want, or are you letting...ahem..."too many obstacles" stop you? Here's a little inspiration. Using a weather balloon, a Gopro 2, a Multiplex Funjet and some other lo-fi equipment, David Windestål decided to get some first person footage of a trip to space. What he ends up with is an awesome video of the camera's trip into orbit, and a ton of inspiration for the... read more ›
1.7K reads