Read from "Never Play It Safe" (pg 11): I kept letting myself get talked out of living my dreams by people who had given up on theirs. And it became a pattern that I repeated well into adulthood. I’d discover something unique and different about myself that I truly loved—go deep into that thing that made me come alive—and then like clockwork I’d put someone else’s idea of what I should be doing above my... read more ›
675 reads
Have you ever felt that gnawing sensation in your gut, telling you something isn't quite right? That voice whispering you're meant for more, even as you're ticking all the boxes of a "successful" life? I've been there. In fact, I was there just months ago, staring at the finished manuscript of my new book. By all accounts, it was a solid piece of work. But deep down, I knew it wasn't the book I needed... read more ›
487 reads
READ THIS FIRST! Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. - Helen Keller View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chase Jarvis (@chasejarvis) Safety is an illusion. It does not exist in nature, so why then... read more ›
412 reads
I was so wrong about what success really means in the startup world. It took me years to learn the importance of redefining success rather than following someone else's rules. For years, I prided myself on being someone who didn't know how to lose. Give me a game, and I'd find a way to win. I did this with sports, school, and even work. I was always good at figuring out how to come out... read more ›
189 reads
Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Steve Jobs... humanity has seen quite a few failures over the years. But history doesn't remember them for their missteps - it's for what they accomplished in spite of all else. Beyond impressive inventions and firsts of their kind, people appreciate other people who show them what’s possible with the right mindset. Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, has been studying the science behind... read more ›
1K reads
To say the world today is uncertain would be an understatement. Almost nothing's guaranteed, and it seems like new disruptions to the status quo emerge every day. While our parents might have had the luxury of only worrying about how the rise of rap might impact their kids' future, our generation lives in a much different reality. The economy. Artificial Intelligence. Global conflict. Evolving standards of work. Pandemics. Cybercrime. The only certain thing there is... read more ›
1K reads
In this episode, we dig into the importance of taking creative risks. We all know that some risk is necessary. Simply said, you cannot stand out and fit in at the same time. If you're not sharing your work, you're hiding, and this tends to compound on itself. Once you start hiding, you stop growing. Creativity requires taking risks and embracing failure. Failure is the forward propulsion toward success and the sooner we can change... read more ›
625 reads
If you’ve been a long time listener of this show, you’ve heard me say “you can’t stand out and fit in at the same time. If you never make anything, if you make only what you’re comfortable making, or if you are making but you never share, you’re hiding. Once you start hiding, you stop growing. Part of you goes to sleep. Even as I reached what I thought was my creative zenith, it took... read more ›
907 reads
Beginnings are tenuous times. Getting anything substantial off the ground means making countless tiny decisions first, any one of which might assume vast importance—if you’re successful down the road. Paralyzed by Fear & Decisions The danger is twofold. On the one hand, you can become paralyzed by all the decisions you need to make. They can steal the life from your project—whatever the medium and at whatever the scale—before you’ve even begun. “What if I... read more ›
989 reads
If calculated risks keep us growing, why do we stop? There are two contrasting ideas that many of us have about creativity. It’s that we want to stand out and share our work while at the same time we want to fit in. When we stand out, it means we’re not fitting in. We can’t have both. Human nature likes us to fit in, so it becomes very risky behavior to stand out even in... read more ›
1.1K reads