The Back Story If you’ve ever wondered how pro photographers capture great photos with their phone, I have something for you. Since getting the iPhone X, I've been working on condensing my best-learned lessons in mobile photography into my first ever class on CreativeLive. What You'll Learn Using natural light to capture indoor and outdoor portraits Simple posing and light considerations for kids, adults,... read more ›
4.3K reads
When I saw this recent post strike a nerve, it motivated me to share this post from my man Ramit Sethi on charging what you're worth. Today he's back by popular demand to share a simple one-two approach to setting your prices and upping your earning potential. Pencils ready? Okay, take it away Ramit. Thanks, Chase. I recently asked a photographer how she came up with her pricing. She said, “Well... I researched my competition and found... read more ›
23.8K reads
Data tells me that more than 100,000 of you caught my earlier Top 5 Nikon, Top 5 Canon & Top 5 Hasselblad lens posts, but it's intuition that tells me what many of you are really wanting is today's post on Micro 4/3 and mirrorless lenses. And yes, I rarely write about gear since there are entire websites dedicated to that pixel peeping universe... but my hope is that this makes the few times I... read more ›
237K reads
In case you haven't been following the fun, this is the third installment in my Lenstopia series. We kicked off with Canon lenses a few months ago, then followed with Nikon's top 5. In this edition we'll be propping up the top 5 lenses for the Hasselblad system -- a camera system I love for high-end, high-megapixel studio, fashion, and occasionally even outdoor photography. It's the system I used to capture my Diver photo, which... read more ›
65.1K reads
Hopefully you caught this popular post last quarter. And so it continues here with another review of the top lenses - this time of the top Nikon lenses - my preferred weapon of choice when shooting stills. You already know I rarely write about gear since there are entire websites dedicated to that sophistry but it doesn't change the fact that it's still a top request I get from you, so the way I mitigate... read more ›
256K reads
The Grammys are a usually a lovely nightcap to the previous year’s music. Some celebration, some tension, a little drama and some nice performances. And whether or not you agree with where the Grammy Committee’s voting ended up in any category - one thing is for sure: 4 Grammy’s from Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - who to this day are not signed to a record label - is impressive. And perhaps what’s more impressive IMHO... read more ›
3.7K reads
UPDATE: this broadcast is TODAY! Join us at 9:30am Seattle time (12:30 NYC and 17:30 London) here at as we hi-jack the live feed from the Museum of Glass and go LIVE from the biggest and best hot shop in the world... mixing the worlds of photography + glass blowing with yours truly and my homie JP Canlis. Of course, taking questions at #cjLIVE via Twitter and my Facebook. Ok. So maybe it's not... read more ›
419 reads
A few years back you may recall I dove head-first into a project that explored my home city of Seattle. I interviewed, photographed, and filmed the movers, the shakers, and the changemakers to better understand the culture of my city's beating heart. 106 influencers in total, across almost every creative discipline -- music, food, theater, athletics, activism, education, you name it. I went on to publish a 250 page fine hardback fine art book, gallery... read more ›
1.7K reads
So you just dropped an entire month's pay on a super nice camera body. Ok. Take a breath. That was a big jump, and we want you making smart moves going forward. Yes, the lens is important. And yes, you can spend 10x what you just spent on a body on good glass. But before you go cashing in that 401k to buy one of each (dear god don't), soak in the knowledge below. We... read more ›
57.1K reads
24 You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, on last week's special addition of chasejarvisLIVE (during the week-long creativeLIVE broadcast extravaganza of FREE photo education PhotoWeek) we connected LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout), speaker (giving the keynote this year at SXSW!), a NY... read more ›
4.6K reads