Let's talk about something we've all faced - that dreaded creative slump. You know the feeling - ideas just aren't flowing, everything feels stale, and you're wondering if you've lost your mojo. I've been there, and I want to share how I broke through and reclaimed my creative fire. Even better, I'll give you 8 actionable boosters you can start using today. 1. Master Your Craft (But Don't Stop There) First things first - there's... read more ›
205 reads
Are you someone who struggles to get a good night's sleep? If so, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, many people find themselves tossing and turning, unable to get the rest they need. But fear not, because I've been there too, and I've discovered eight game-changing ways to improve my sleep quality. In this blog post, I'll share with you my personal journey towards becoming a better sleeper. 1. Simplify Bedtime to a Window... read more ›
467 reads
Dr. Kelly Starrett is a renowned physical therapist, coauthor of the bestselling books Becoming a Supple Leopard, Ready to Run and Deskbound, and cofounder of The Ready State and San Francisco CrossFit. He has consulted with athletes and coaches from the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB, as well as the US Olympic Team, military forces, and corporations on employee health and wellbeing. Kelly and I recently sat down to discuss his latest book 'Built to... read more ›
1.3K reads
Hustle is stupid. Without the right focus and vision, burning the candle at both ends will only leave you burnt out and unable to do what matters most to you. It won’t get you what you want (not really) and certainly won’t make you happy. Listen to the Podcast My Wakeup Call Don’t believe me? I didn’t either! But a few years ago, I had a wake-up call. After habitually sleeping five to six hours... read more ›
934 reads
It’s hard to be the best version of yourself when you have no juice in the tank. You can follow your passions and love the work you do, but if you neglect foundational activities that lead to recovery and energy, you're almost guaranteed to burn out. Here are 5 things I do every try day to prioritize my own health and happiness. 1. Meditation + Morning Priming What is the first thing you do when... read more ›
1.5K reads
A lot of my breakthrough creative thoughts come to me when least expected. I've talked about "finding creativity" and "creative inspiration" all over the place... on podcasts like this and this (twice for example) or given a keynote on it here at SWSW. That said, I've also learned from an entire life in the trenches as an artist what DOESN'T contribute to them (abusing myself, bad head space, partying too much), but more importantly, what... read more ›
10K reads
Society would have us believe that we’re just supposed to know what we’re meant to do in our life, but it’s not true. It’s only through action - taking small steps every day - that the bigger picture is revealed. That is something that my guest, Steve Aoki, shares on this episode of the show. He’s one of the most prolific, renowned DJ and music producers in the world. He’s been nominated for multiple Grammys... read more ›
566 reads
I talk a big game about self-care, but the truth is: life happens. We can’t all be perfect in our self care routines all the time. We’re human. The name of the game is progress, not perfection. But how do we avoid getting so far off track, that the occasional slip turns into a trend? If you're feeling a bit drained, disconnected, or even sick, it might be time for a reset. In this episode,... read more ›
1K reads
In small, daily actions you're creating outcomes for yourself and by extension, creating your life. My man Tim Ferriss is a master at deconstructing the work of others and de-stilling it into a working practice. In fact, he wrote his book Tools of Titans as a reference of some of the tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires. In this quick episode, he shares the 3 key themes he's seen in over 200 hundred people he's... read more ›
2.2K reads
I've flown MILLIONS of air miles (literally), but you don't have to take it from me. In fact, ask anyone who has a lot of miles under their belt about travel tips, and you'll start learning that are a TON of little secrets that can significantly improve your experience getting from point A to point B on planes, trains, and automobiles. Some of you on Snapchat have asked my tips for travel and I thought... read more ›
33.3K reads