I get a lot of questions from you guys about how to breakthrough and get known. I usually say, "Aim to be different, not just better". That suffices for most contexts when I'm giving surface level advice--it's a quick, punchy answer-- BUT what's missing from this POV is a crucial step...the actual way people can identify that you're "different"...and is this: YOU MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. In this episode of chasejarvis RAW I break down... read more ›
12.2K reads
Austin Kleon is a writer who draws. He’s the best selling author of three illustrated books; Newspaper Blackout, Steal Like An Artist, and Show Your Work. Using his own words and borrowed (stolen) words alike, Austin articulates better than anyone how to find your own style and vision and then what to do with your work. He’s been featured on NPR, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and this is quickly becoming a regular... read more ›
6.9K reads
Austin Kleon likes to call himself “a writer who draws.” He is the best selling author of three illustrated books (Newspaper Blackout, Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work), and one of the most insightful voices on the topic of creativity. He’s been featured on media institutions like NPR’s Morning Edition, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS Newshour and speaks for organizations such as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist.... read more ›
4.9K reads
One of the most common misconceptions I come across is the belief that once you’ve somehow “made it," I / one / you don’t hit ruts, bumps, run into blocks, or otherwise get paralyzed by the creative work that needs doing. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. I get thrown for a loop all the time. I’ve found myself off my game at numerous times in my career, getting lost for a... read more ›
26.8K reads
If you're up for shooting something this weekend, I've got an assignment for you. Read on. Backstory: Between 1989 and 1997 photographer Andrew Bush made hundreds of pictures of people driving. They became a book. That book blows me away - I've probably given 10 or more copies as gifts (even blogged it a while ago). But that's not my point... The images are concurrently insightful, evocative, even hilarious on occasion...overall incredibly amusing to peruse,... read more ›
858 reads