I had the distinct pleasure of being a guest on Jenni Hogan's "Next Big Thing" podcast a couple weeks ago to talk a bit about my life path(s), pivot points and the way that creativeLIVE is systematically re-shaping access to the best education. For those who don't know Jenni, she's a super smart, sharp journalist who has a passion for connecting with like-minded people who impact, inspire and inform. Equally at home in the worlds... read more ›
505 reads
When you combine youth, unlimited cash and iPhone technology, you get braggadocios photographic evidence of a lavish lifestyle. Also known as the Rich Kids of Instagram. At first glance, this Tumblr is so ridiculously over the top it's laughable. But a deeper look reveals for me some cultural sadness...privileged kids posting bar tab receipts that cost more than four... read more ›
7.1K reads
In a jet-lagged haze working abroad last week one of those reminder alarms hit my computer desktop while I was buried in some email that said, "Twit Photo 1pm". After a moment of confusion, I realized it was a leftover reminder from a year ago when I was interviewed by Leo Laporte and Catherine Hall as a part of their popular web photography show, Twit Photo. I meant to share it way back... read more ›
775 reads
Facebook dropped a photo app today that will definitely turn a few heads. The app is chock-full of the features iPhone photographers want: You can crop, rotate and add filters to any picture in your camera roll in app. If your Facebook use is all about photos this app could replace the regular Facebook app. It offers a “news feed” that exclusively shows pictures as its home page. Screen shots below. What do you guys... read more ›
776 reads
Hi friends. I’ve ranted for years how mobile phone photography changed my outlook on a bunch of things...creativity born from constraints, the immediacy of the moment, digital sharing, the democratization of creativity, and on and on. As you may know, the ideals and the principle that ‘the best camera is the one that’s with you’ certainly captured my attention, led to my app, a book, a community, etc But here’s a question: have YOU actually... read more ›
717 reads