With so much information, and gadgets and access and hustle and email and …and.. aren’t you overloaded at work!? It’s understandable and it’s a real problem. If this describes you or someone you love…you’ll LOVE this episode of the show. Enter: Jason Fried. He’s the brilliant NYT best-selling author and co-founder of the software firm, Basecamp. Since long before meeting Jason in person he’s always caught my eye as perhaps THE outspoken thinker / critic... read more ›
10.8K reads
This week, I feel lucky enough to bring you not one, not two, but three masters of inspiration into the hot seat. Join me in this LIVE conversation from the WeWork Creator Awards where I was joined on stage by serial entrepreneur and investor Kevin Rose, interior designer Kelly Wearstler, and star of Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’ & fashion designer Tan France. All three of our panelists have built a life doing the things they love,... read more ›
1.4K reads
I'm a huge fan of the concept of "strategic renewal." Chasing shiny opportunities, working in a reactive state and dealing with each new email that pops up on your phone is not only exhausting - it's a way to ensure you get nothing done - and it's simply not sustainable. "Busy" isn't success. It's a lack of priority. I've been paying attention to those who have command of their time...systems that bring sanity and purpose... read more ›
44.3K reads
We often chase our dreams at the expense of our bodies. In the dogged pursuit of what we call success, we often don’t think about our bodies until they start to hurt. Dr. Kelly Starrett is redefining the way we think about success to include our basic physical health. His approach to movement, mechanics, and mobility isn’t just for athletes-- it’s a path toward health and wholeness for virtually anyone. Kelly works with professional athletes,... read more ›
2.6K reads
Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. He’s a best selling author, a renowned keynote speaker and releases tons of free content such as the The #AskGaryVee Show all surrounding valuable insights on social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses. Great to have Gary... read more ›
1.9K reads
Problem: the freelance life can be amazing, but there are lots of overlooked pitfalls when you're working for yourself. In particular I'm interested in one problem that none of my freelance friends--nor anyone on the internet quite frankly-- is talking about...and that's movement and physical well being. In a recent #cjRAW, I addressed this head on and we talked about 3 ways to move your body throughout the day (it focused on standup desks, walking... read more ›
9.2K reads
I live by hard work + hustle -- they are some of the key elements to my success and the successes of so many of my peers... but so is recovery. One cannot live at 100mph. One cannot ALWAYS be on a diet, be in peak performance. Rest is mandatory. We either choose to find it in appropriate doses OR our bodies an our lives will choose it for us (crash and burn, get sick,... read more ›
1.2K reads
Hi friends, back atcha here with another #cjRAW. You might remember in Episode 10, I asked for you to tag your questions #heychase and I'd answer those questions? Well, you did your part, and now I'll do mine. In this episode I answer the following questions from this community. I go deep on some, quick on others, but tell me in the comments below or on social that I'm adding value... And of course feel... read more ›
641 reads