As you probably know, I’m a huge believer that so much of ‘THE GAME’ is mental. Stress, fear, anxiety, and our natural negativity bias is always ready beat us down. One of the most powerful tools in my toolbox to harness positivity in a seemingly tough situation is a daily gratitude practice. As we head into Thanksgiving here in the states, in the middle of a pandemic and everything else, I wanted to dig into... read more ›
723 reads
In a time when fear, doubt, and uncertainty creep in, it’s more important than ever to tune into our emotional wellness and health. That’s why I’m excited to share my conversation with Amber Rae on the show today. Amber Rae has been called “The Brené Brown of Wonder.” She’s a multi-talented artist, entrepreneur, and author. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, NY Mag, TODAY, Self, Fortune, Forbes and Entrepreneur and collaborated... read more ›
964 reads
Mel Robbins is the most booked female speaker in the world, an American on-air CNN commentator and television host, contributing editor for Success magazine and author of The 5-Second Rule. Her TED Talk around the 5-second Rule is a simple framework to turn inaction into action and has garnered over 10 million views. What I love about Mel is her hard-hitting, no bullshit real talk. You won’t get any sugar coating here. She calls herself... read more ›
8.3K reads