When it comes to career trajectories, Jack Conte is my brotha from anotha mothA !! Our paths could not be more similar.... He started his career as a musician, was a YouTuber making videos, and turned tech entrepreneur by co-founding Patreon, an incredible tool for artists to get paid directly by their fans (just like Beethoven used to…) You are going to love this conversation. Jack’s career — be it in music, videos, or business,... read more ›
1.9K reads
Justine Ezarik aka iJustine is one of the OG YouTube stars-- one of the very few people who have been on the platform for over a decade. You may remember her from her first big hit, her “300 page iPhone bill” video way back in 2007 or from literally streaming her entire life for 6 months, and since then she’s had several other hits that helped her build a huge following based off the kind... read more ›
4.1K reads
Controversial? Perhaps. But I love it. From the New York Times: The project, called YouTube Play and conceived as a biennial event, is intended to discover innovative work from unexpected sources. It is open even to entrants who don’t consider themselves artists, and actively encourages the participation of people with little or no experience in video. “People who may not have access to the art world will have a chance to have their... read more ›
317 reads