Lots of updating and housecleaning going on around here lately, the most fun being the launch of our new site here at www.chasejarvis.com.
As such, I wanted to invite you to poke around our new digs. Lots of new photos–twenty something new galleries, there’s finally a video page, and…well..a lot more. And we’re continuing to update and transform the site into a smooth machine over the coming week. That said, your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. We’re listening – so thanks in advance. We know there’s still a lot to work on, especially with the blog and the mobile version. (There’s still flash in there, but, we’re evolving and will continue to…). At any rate please hit up whatever needs addressing in the comments. Or if it’s time sensitive and something’s busted, ping @dartanyon.
Huge thanks to my crew for the hard work – especially amidst all the other work we are lucky enough to be buried in. And we’d be remiss to not thank the great team at Livebooks.com – Matt, Dale, Adam, and Jericho. Thanks a mil for the collaborative process in creating our new site.
I’ll be on the Twit.tv Photo show at 1:30PM today talking about the new site, and photography in general. Tune in.
And again, thank YOU for visiting.
The 2011 Frazier Canteen dinner & dance is SOLD OUT! If you’d like to be added to our mailing list next year, call (502) 753-5663.
First time visit here and have your excellent write-up. May We have a copy of the short article?