I’m pumped to bring two new episodes of chasejarvisLIVE to your desktop this week. I hope you’ll tune in to join me.
First, tomorrow I’ll be hosting my good friend, one-light guru, photo instructor, and the best beard around: Zack Arias. We’re bringing Zack to Seattle for his creativeLIVE workshop, and I’m stealing an hour of his time before hand to talk shop in my studio. Think Barbara Walters meets Jon Stewart meets Photography (meets the Sesame Street?). You, me, Zack, and worldwide photography audience just rapping in a casual environment. This will be a great chance to have your photography questions answered and get to know Zack better. We’ll be taking any/all questions online via twitter at hashtag #cjlive.
What: Chase Jarvis Hosts Zack Arias on chasejarvisLIVE
Where: just visit http://www.chasejarvis.com/live
When: Wednesday, June 9th (that’s tomorrow/today depending on where you live)
1:30 – 3:00 pm west coast PDT (that’s -8 GMT)
Second, when I think of what’s influenced my creativity, right behind my personal experience it’s no doubt been popular culture. Music, culture, fashion, art, food, etc. Just recently I snapped awake in the middle of the night and said to myself, “Damn, I know some amazing people, why don’t I do a better job sharing them with the world? So I’ve set out to supplement all the photoshoots and behind-the-scenes rhetoric at chasejarvisLIVE with as many of my culturally relevant friends as possible–some underground, some popular some of whom you’ll know, some you won’t. But all of whom have impressive backgrounds by any measure.
If this is of interest, tune in this Thursday (day after Zack, above) where I’ll host two fascinating cultural legends: the amazing RA Scion (MC of the acclaimed Common Market) and the renowned writer, filmmaker and cultural critic Charles Mudede. In a casual but evocative round table format, RA, Charles and yours truly will discuss the state of hiphop music and how that relates to pop culture in general, plus we’ll dig into RA’s newest project “Victor Shade”. We’ll be taking questions via Twitter again to hashtag #cjlive, and then to wrap things up, we’ll end the show with a LIVE performance from RA that will impress the hell out of you. I’ll be taking some photos too… No fancy stage, no frills, just great music LIVE to your desktop.
What: Chase Jarvis Hosts RA Scion and Charles Mudede on chasejarvisLIVE
Where: just visit http://www.chasejarvis.com/live
When: Thursday, June 10th
10:30am – 12:30 west coast PDT (that’s -8 GMT)
All you need to do is tune in to http://www.chasejarvis.com/live. Oh, and bring your headphones to work on both days. Hope you’ll join us.
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