Danielle Krysa is the author of Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk, Creative Block, and Collage, all published by Chronicle Books. She is also the creator of the contemporary art blog The Jealous Curator.
Danielle gave a talk at the CreativeLive studios on the Inner Critic, and shares a particular story that I think many of us can relate to. We all deal with the voice in our life that tells us what what we’re creating is not good, will never amount to anything, or how we’ll never make any money from it. This talk is a huge inspiration for anyone who’s suffered a creative block and battled critics (internal or external). I know you will love Danielle’s vulnerability and break through your creative battles with the tactics she has garnered from her personal struggle and prolific creators, alike.
She references her keynote a bit through this talk, so if you want a bit more context be sure to watch the full episode in full living color for free on CreativeLive https://cr8.lv/2vsQg8d
You’ll also be inspired to know that:
- Your inner critic is a lazy bully. There are only 4 techniques that it has to put you down, and you can fight each one of them with the right tools.
- The three techniques professional artists use to fight their inner critic: they dedicate specific energy towards creating whether the work for the day ends up in the Met or in the trash, they create time and space for their work, and they learn to trust their inner voice to guide them towards their best work.
- Why you need to translate and rewrite your inner critic’s script from phrases like “you’re going to fail, so don’t bother trying” to “I’m going to fail like all the prolific geniuses before me have failed.” Onward.
If you have time to watch Netflix or comment on Instagram, then you have time to be creative.
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Danielle shows some visuals during her talk that’s worth seeing. If you want to see the video version, you can watch this talk for free here on CreativeLive.com.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- A painting professor of Danielle’s told her to never paint again, which sent her running for a new path. [7:37]
- The four paths to expert excuse making: environment, blame, fear, and time. [12:04]
- Where the idea that creativity is frivolous came from and why we need to fight it. [12:40]
- The first step to shutting up your inner critic is to identify the voice. [14:30]
- The second step is pinpointing the attack. [14:44]
- The third step: unmask the guilt. [15:49]
- Your inner critic is just a bully. [16:23]
- Danielle has an exercise to show how silly your inner critic is. [18:00]
- 5 tips and tricks to getting rid of your inner critic. [22:10]
- Why you need to give your inner critic an affable name… like Arlo. [23:50]
- How Danielle learned not to be precious. [25:50]
- Rewrite “I’m going to fail so it’s not worth trying” to “I’m going to fail… like a genius!” [28:15]
- Question from the audience: What is the tone of your inner critic? [31:30]
- Question from the audience: What’s the type of positive conversation that you have with your inner critic when it does speak up? [32:24]
- Question from the audience: Do you have a finely tuned schedule or routine? [33:27]
- Question from the audience: How has your age and time in life affected your relationship with your inner jerk? [36:00]
- Question from the audience: Did your friends and family notice a shift when you lost confidence in your work? [39:25]
- Question from the audience: When does your inner critic become your intuition? [40:25]
- How Danielle started her blog as an outlet for herself, but it resonated with and reached others which eventually turned into a book. [42:55]
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