In small, daily actions you're creating outcomes for yourself and by extension, creating your life. My man Tim Ferriss is a master at deconstructing the work of others and de-stilling it into a working practice. In fact, he wrote his book Tools of Titans as a reference of some of the tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires. In this quick episode, he shares the 3 key themes he's seen in over 200 hundred people he's... read more ›
2.2K reads
Even though I’m an extrovert, I have a feeling the future favors the introvert. Beth Comstock was at the CreativeLive studios in Seattle and I could not help but snag her for a quick moment to pick her brain on one of the most popular topics on my channel — navigating an extroverted world as an introvert. As a self-described introvert, Beth knows what it’s like to find elevate your strengths and have the courage... read more ›
905 reads
One of the most common questions I get is about how to stand out + how to develop personal style. So when fellow photographer Alex Strohl stopped by the studio, I wanted to get his take on this ever-popular question. If you’re not familiar with Alex’s work, a quick spin on instagram will fill in the blanks. He’s a photographer that tells stories through pictures and film. And when you see his work, there is... read more ›
2.1K reads
Over the years, I've really fallen in love with the ability to share and connect with you through my social channels. Never before has it been easier and faster to create, share, and connect. In a digital age where it's possible to live in our own little bubble, it can often feel technology is better at isolating us than connecting. What I've found though, is the opposite. I can think of the countless names I've... read more ›
2.7K reads
Listen to the Podcast Congrats! You did it - you're graduating! Big ups on all the hard work and long hours. But here's the scary part. Graduation is the first day of the rest of your life. Last week by far the most popular question I saw in my social feed was around graduation. Either YOU were graduating, your friends or sons / daughters--and, naturally, there was a lot of concern. Generally you asked what... read more ›
6.6K reads
Here’s an important reminder: you’ll never feel ready to start. But you’ve got to do it anyway. And the operative word there is “do.” Just start. This episode is the kick in the ass you need. Too often we get bogged down in the dreaming, the research, and the preparing - without the DOING. Feel me on this? It’s a common excuse that most of use…that we just need a little more planning… Wrong. This is... read more ›
3.1K reads
I get a lot of questions from you guys about how to breakthrough and get known. I usually say, "Aim to be different, not just better". That suffices for most contexts when I'm giving surface level advice--it's a quick, punchy answer-- BUT what's missing from this POV is a crucial step...the actual way people can identify that you're "different"...and is this: YOU MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. In this episode of chasejarvis RAW I break down... read more ›
12.2K reads
I've flown MILLIONS of air miles (literally), but you don't have to take it from me. In fact, ask anyone who has a lot of miles under their belt about travel tips, and you'll start learning that are a TON of little secrets that can significantly improve your experience getting from point A to point B on planes, trains, and automobiles. Some of you on Snapchat have asked my tips for travel and I thought... read more ›
33.3K reads
As I've said countless times before, there are no magical, hidden secrets that will catapult you to success. By almost any measure, sustained success is a ton of work. And when the going gets tough, we can get sucked into spinning our wheels looking for direction or help. That's where a mentor comes in. It's the ONE PLACE YOU CAN MAKE USE OF A that will make the path to your goals much straighter... read more ›
3.6K reads
If you're wondering how to build your network & create community around your work, here's the no bullshit answer: Do the Work. Creating something and putting it out there is just the beginning. Networking is like any relationship, and it's a two way street. You need to engage, be thoughtful and contribute to the conversation -- not just with your work, but in the community around you. That's BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER you have something... read more ›
5.1K reads