When I say shut down. I mean. Shut. Down. Another day of zero pictures, zero footage. We have a few crucial shots to get in the can before we can leave. I'm talking 'must have'...so we're not messing around anymore. It's do or die, but today it just wasn't happening. The beauty of shooting in a studio is that... read more ›
327 reads
From cloud 9 to the basement. Yesterday's epic adventure whipped a 180 again today... If yesterday was chocolate cake, today was chopped liver. Reason being, we were completely shut out. Blanked. Skunked. As in zero photos, zero video footy. Didn't even get the camera outta the bag. Mother nature can giveth, but she can also... read more ›
302 reads
This morning's work work was fun and not too hardcore. An 8am call time & roll out. We scouted our remaining locations for shot details--all of them are reasonably close to where we are staying. We're now comparing all our locations to creative briefs and earlier notes/findings on specific locations. Much of the work today is referred to as "tech scouting". That's a more... read more ›
603 reads
Wanted to announce that we officially have a new AUDIO podcast called the Chase Jarvis LIVE Show. This show will feature long form content where my photographer, filmmaker, guests, friends, and/or yours truly are primarily talking...things like all the chasejarvisLIVE interviews (featuring worldclass creative talent) + maybe some surprises along the way. You can find our audio podcast and/or subscribe to it here on iTunes. AND you can now find show notes from the latest shows by going... read more ›
3.1K reads
You could probably assume as much, but in the event that you didn't know, NYC Fashion week is a huge event from which many of the forthcoming year's fashion statements and styles emerge. It's big for the fashion industry, and fashion PHOTOGRAPHY of course follows suit. But while the fashion mags and fashion blogs and fashion photogs always go nuts during these semi-annual events that smatter the globe--and I admit to dig following along from... read more ›
547 reads
Thanks again to everyone for throwing down your thoughts on how I shot this photo. Lots of good ideas presented in your answers, and lots of you nailed several components of image. Overall, I think Derik got the closest to detailing how we did this, so if Derik will ping us offline, we'll send him a signed copy of TBCITOTWY. In the meantime, here's the debrief of the soccer shot from my portfolio. 1. Environment.... read more ›
555 reads